WISE-Community / WISE-VLE--Deprecated--

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE). *Note: deprecated and has been merged into the main 'WISE' repository*
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Chrome: vertical space in VLE between welcome section and first activity #89

Open hirokiterashima opened 12 years ago

hirokiterashima commented 12 years ago

Chrome v17.0.963.46 Mac OSX Lion

There is a white space between the "Welcome Test User" section and the first activity in the VLE navigation area.

You can see this here: http://wise4.berkeley.edu/webapp/vle/preview.html?projectId=100

Clearing cache and refreshing did not fix this problem.

Will send you screenshot.

breity commented 12 years ago

Yes, I see this once-in-a-while on Chrome in OS X Lion. I can't seem to reproduce regularly (or at all lately). I'll tweak a few things in the project/theme/nav loading sequence to see if I can resolve it.