WISVCH / committee-website-vision

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Preventing a 'tech support team' #5

Open Fastjur opened 6 years ago

Fastjur commented 6 years ago

First of all, I really like this idea. But upon reading it, something popped up in my head. How do we prevent the core development team from simply becoming the 'committee website creation team'. The technology we use might be very new to some committee members, especially the first year committees. Are you not afraid that there will be so many questions regarding the reusable components that the committees simply stick to their own known frameworks, or that they ask so many questions that the core development team basically guided them through it and did about 80% of the work?

How should we prevent this?
A possible solution could be loads of documentation I guess.

I guess this question is related too https://github.com/WISVCH/committee-website-vision/issues/3
However, I think this issue is more related to making the distinction between the type of support the core team will give, and how far the core team will go in helping the committee fix the issues

TimvdLippe commented 6 years ago

I think there is a difference between using a component and building one. A user of a component should have sufficient documentation to use it, without knowing how it was built. More importantly, even wiskos should be able to use it without having programming knowledge. We can do that, since it is just text, HTML.