This custom card allows you to display vehicle information in your Home Assistant dashboard, including the vehicle name, image, and fuel or charge level.
It would be cool if I could set custom bar colors for different values, similar to gauges. Like when the SoC is less than 20% it's red, orange when it's below 50% and otherwise blue or something. Right now it's always orange for me when not loading and that seems wrong.
I am hoping to add CSS in to the input area for the colors so you can use and drop in your code and it should follow the same principle.
Thank you for releasing this car, it's great!
It would be cool if I could set custom bar colors for different values, similar to gauges. Like when the SoC is less than 20% it's red, orange when it's below 50% and otherwise blue or something. Right now it's always orange for me when not loading and that seems wrong.