WL-Biol185-ShinyProjects / health-access

This project aims to provide a snapshot of the variation in access to healthcare across the U.S. We are looking at variables such as number of primary healthcare providers, percentages of the population that is uninsured, and mental health care providers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Write project goals and motivation #10

Open luzaranm23 opened 2 years ago

luzaranm23 commented 2 years ago

Draft #1: Previous projects have focused on specific diseases or geographical locations of hospitals, however, our group wanted to look at health from a different perspective. Our team acknowledges that health is impacted by a complex set of socio-economic factors. Therefore, we wanted to analyze the accessibility to healthcare across different states using various metrics. We decided to use our specific data set since it provided a thorough state-by-state breakdown of the number of primary care physicians, uninsured adults, preventable hospital stays, and other data that were relevant to our research question.
Our app can help identify states and counties that are experiencing low rates of insured adults or low numbers of primary physicians. Highlighting specific issues within a state’s healthcare system is the first step in creating a long-term plan in addressing these issues.