Closed WMahoney09 closed 4 years ago
running out the door, but:
~/.vim was forgotten in commit adding config files.
Vundle can't install Plugins without that apparently
Locally vim basically reverted to "vanilla" status 😢
cp -r ~/dotfiles_old/.vim ~/dotfiles.vim
adding this change produces a warning about Vundle not being added as a submodule... need moar time
Vundle Docs
Blog where I got the idea from
To add ~/.vim or ~/.oh-my-zsh I'll need to add them as git submodules
Other ideas/approaches these are really the same idea/approach, just an abstraction
RCM from Thoughbot
Walkthrough using RCM
Fixed by adding Vundle and Oh-My-Zsh as submodules.
running out the door, but:
was forgotten in commit adding config files.Vundle can't install Plugins without that apparently
Locally vim basically reverted to "vanilla" status 😢
cp -r ~/dotfiles_old/.vim ~/dotfiles.vim
adding this change produces a warning about Vundle not being added as a submodule... need moar time