WMahoney09 / dotfiles

version controlled config for things like Vim, Zsh & Tmux
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missing OhMyZsh file? #4

Open WMahoney09 opened 4 years ago

WMahoney09 commented 4 years ago

post install script

$ source ~/.zshrc
/Users/willmahoney/.zshrc:source:73: no such file or directory: /Users/wmahoney/.oh-my-zsh/oh-my-zsh.sh
/Users/willmahoney/.zshrc:142: command not found: rbenv
WMahoney09 commented 4 years ago

possibly caused by:

 for file in $files; do
     echo "Moving .$file from ~ to $backupdir/$timestamp"
-    mv ~/.$file ~/$backupdir/$timestamp/
+    mv ~/.$file $backupdir/$timestamp/.$file  ## <- this fixes the path ($backupdir already includes ~/)