WNC12k / DoomRPG-Rebalance

Doom RPG is an RPG Modification for the GZDoom Source Port
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Weapon mods too rare? #23

Closed joaomarcosh closed 2 years ago

joaomarcosh commented 2 years ago

When playing with just Doom RL Arsenal i get a "healthy" amount of weapon mods (sometimes even too much) but when mixed with Doom RPG i can barely find any. Not sure if im unlucky or maybe the RPG items are diluting the item pool.

Exibius commented 2 years ago

Based on the fork overview, I think the idea for the rebalance was that all the content was given to the player too quickly, so it was slowed down to feel more dynamic in terms of progression. WNC12K even revised the adaptive mode as a new setting based on how many WADs you'd go through, which would in turn adjust the "rarity curve" of items the lower that number was set.

Not going to lie, though. I think those numbers could still use a little adjusting. Running Whitemare 2 as a single wad, and with the number of WADs planned to go through set to 1, there's many times where all of the armor spawners are only armor bonuses, where I'm stuck armor-less well into MAP04 and beyond, relying on having to buy it in the outpost.

Enough about the armor situation, though. In terms of mod packs, appearance of mod packs could be buffed just a tad as well.

WNC12K, thoughts?

WNC12k commented 2 years ago

Yes indeed, the appearance of mod packs has been reduced to increase their rarity and importance. At the moment, they can drop out of bosses and sometimes appear instead of large ammo packs.

However, in DoomRPG you can compensate for this with the store in Outpost. They are sold starting at rank 5.

But anyway, I'll think in future patches about this.

Demiosis commented 2 years ago

Heh its fine as it is , also give the Tech more viability with his scrapping ability! Beside this mod is supposed to be played along multiples MEGAWADS. BUT if the option for megawad is set to 1 and it does not follow a: hyper inflated loot bonanza. WELP that is what we call a bug in the business.. XD

Exibius commented 2 years ago

Running Whitemare 2 as a single wad, and with the number of WADs planned to go through set to 1, there's many times where all of the armor spawners are only armor bonuses, where I'm stuck armor-less well into MAP04 and beyond, relying on having to buy it in the outpost.

On the contrary,

However, in DoomRPG you can compensate for this with the store in Outpost.

I take back what I said about the whole armor dilemma, because, even if you get armor bonuses all the time, I realized that it's intentional that if you don't get any actual armor drops, you're supposed to rely on the credit bonuses you gain from leveling up, since the store is an intended part of the game. The beginning armors aren't really all that expensive, and the armors last a decent amount of time, more so that you're usually dead in terms of HP twice over before your weakest armor pops. So, forget the whole armor thing. Moving onto modpacks, though,

Heh its fine as it is , also give the Tech more viability with his scrapping ability!

I really didn't want to mention Technician with all of this, since it just further enforces my point, since modpacks are a complete non-issue with him, so much so that I think it's personally overpowered, considering you can literally just buy the cheapest exotic guns in the outpost and just repeatedly scrap them for practically infinite modpacks. Should've clarified I was referring to any class that is non-technician suffers a slow progression in terms of modpacks, but I digress.

Beside this mod is supposed to be played along multiples MEGAWADS.

Agree to disagree. Even if so, there isn't any actual wads out there that have multiple megawads in them that aren't totally buggy. (Looking at you, Lexicon.) Compendium is out, since it conflicts with it's own dehacked monsters that were retained in some of the wads, and not a total fan of it's custom font. Only thing left is wadsmoosh, and that's actually good, since it's just all the commercial iwads in one. But I can only stand so much vanilla.

Then you have the good old "just transfer character through the options menu", but as WNC12K established from the very beginning since making this fork, going this route tends to disrupt adaptive progression, if running DRLA monsters alongside this, even after changing the adaptive difficulty through the "number of wads" slider.

As always, though, we all have our own opinions. At this point, I think everything is fine just the way it is. We should just close the issue and call it a day.

Demiosis commented 2 years ago

---> Agree to disagree. Even if so, there isn't any actual wads out there that have multiple megawads in them that aren't totally buggy..

Ho I get it now , yes never EVER use adaptive , its wank to begin with and never worked proper XD. Even without drpg, base's Yholl version was very wank the 3 times I tried it, for example the Geo's golden gauntlet giving a fuckton of difficulty and its a shitty 1 use armor special joke armor.. XD , Getting those utterly bad AAA or assault weapons raise difficulty by a lot and this assembly is even worst that the weapon it started with, like a rifle will do a heckin ton more dps if you did not changed it to assault, same for chaingun! Even better, getting 3 A mods on a chaingun is better than "upgrading it" to its assault version since it keep its fast ROF and is almost perfectly accurate without sacrificing anything in the process XD). ---> WNC should just tear it down and rebuild it from the ground up imo.. ^^''

But yes, 1st M.wad you should go for moderate (or lower if you don't feel comfy with moderate) , then second and probly 3rd to standard (if you find shit too hard/easy you can always change diff in outpost then come back btw) then 4-5th nightmare or maybe more if you didn't got a good unique/legend then the rest Armageddon

Also for tech boi he is what we call in the H/S business an early bloomer class. (The marine and demolitionist are late bloomer classes btw) (You will find very quickly that a tech boi is stupid easy in the beginning BUT get increasingly difficult since your bonuses do NOT work with Uniques and legendries (the +50% bonus damage for master assemblies is cute and all but when you work your way in Armageddon without minimum a unique or legend in hand shit's gets very hard compared to the other end game classes.. XD)

Exibius commented 2 years ago

Ho I understand now , you don't know how to use the save and load function of Drpg to keep your char from 32 maps megawads to another 32 maps megawads! ^^ You don't need other pointless mods to do this mah dude!

Then you have the good old "just transfer character through the options menu", but as WNC12K established from the very beginning since making this fork, going this route tends to disrupt adaptive progression, if running DRLA monsters alongside this, even after changing the adaptive difficulty through the "number of wads" slider.

I'm afraid I got your message through email before you edited it. Disregarding everything else after your edit since it came off as belligerent and rude. And yes, as I mentioned before, I am very well aware of the options menu transfer. I think this discussion has run its course.

If I encounter anything else worth mentioning in the future, I'll post a new issue. The modpack situation is fine. WNC12K, close this.