WOA-Project / SurfaceDuo-Guides

Guides for the Surface Duo
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Problems with uefi #14

Closed Dinico414 closed 1 year ago

Dinico414 commented 1 year ago

when i want to boot to windows the comand fastboot boot surfaceduo1-uefi.img is not working!

i need to put the uefi.img file in the adb direcory AND change the code to fastboot boot uefi.img then it worked

would be great if this would stand in the skript as well

gus33000 commented 1 year ago

Hello! Thanks for bringing this to our attention! The guide does still need a bit of clarifications in general.

Just as a note: you can name the file anything you want really. You can even specify a full path to the file if you would like to, there's plenty of possibilities. We can clarify this further, but we feel like it's a basic command line step in that regard anyone may be able to adapt on their own.