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Guides for the Surface Duo
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Device hangs on uefi boot #50

Closed bloodysniper3 closed 1 year ago

bloodysniper3 commented 1 year ago

after I updated Android, the duo 1 hangs on uefi during initial boot screen. I tried both uefi and same problem.

gus33000 commented 1 year ago

Hello, What exact android version are you on? What exact version of the uefi are you using? What variant of the uefi are you using? Best if you could also specify the filename of the zip file you used for the uefi. What also are your Windows driver versions? Does it hang on the cat image or the surface white logo (4 squares)?

bloodysniper3 commented 1 year ago

im on android 12 2022.827.21. using uefi Version 2305.64 SM8150.UEFI.Surface.Duo.1.Secure.Boot.Disabled and SM8150.UEFI.Surface.Duo.1. I downloaded windows driver Umbreon . it just hangs on the cat image

gus33000 commented 1 year ago

Are you seeing any specific error message on the top left of the screen? (Best if you could share a picture regardless on the andromeda's ninjacat portion of the boot process)

bloodysniper3 commented 1 year ago

This all that comes up


gus33000 commented 1 year ago

Maybe you have a file system corruption on the esp partition for windows that android would have caused randomly. You should try the following:

Using any of the guides, boot into twrp and go to mass storage following the "msc.sh" section of a guide. Only follow this part here however.

Once done you should be in mass storage. From this point, follow the guide section that instructs you to assign a drive letter to the esp partition (the partition in diskpart will be labelled "System" instead of "Primary" or "Unknown")

From here you will have a drive letter assigned to it, for simplicity here I will assume you used B: but it can be anything you want once again.

Open a command prompt as administrator, (cmd.exe not pwsh). Navigate through the esp partition with "B:"

proceed with the following:

rmdir /q /s EFI

then refollow the section of the guide and only this one that contains "bcdboot" command(s)

try to boot the device into windows again and let us know if the device boots fine.

bloodysniper3 commented 1 year ago

Sorry stuck at 'navigate through the esp partition with "b:". I assign mines "y", how do you switch to that drive in cmd.

gus33000 commented 1 year ago

As mentioned right before for simplicity reasons i assumed that you had picked B. Now you preferred to use Y for various reasons. So you need to replace "B:" with "Y:" then.

bloodysniper3 commented 1 year ago

No luck. I might try reinstalling windows again to see if that works

bloodysniper3 commented 1 year ago

Update: I believe your first answer was correct, I notice my commands for esp drive wasn't working because I didnt notice the letter y: was already taken and it never mounted so changed it to another letter. I use the same commend an now its working. Thank you for your time and patience!

gus33000 commented 1 year ago

Pinned this issue in case someone else gets the same problem, i've seen some people get this before, it's rare but happens enough to be worthy of a pin. Glad to see it's resolved!