WP-API / OAuth1

OAuth server implementation for WP API
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Auth token for lifetime ? #210

Open tushar4monto opened 6 years ago

tushar4monto commented 6 years ago


I have generated Token and token Secret with main admin ( administrator ) user. Now I can call my custom api with auth 1.0 its working fine. I have used this oAuth in my IOS app so i need to make constant for auth token and token secret with hard code when app build so if there is any issue and i need to update token and token secret. then i need to re build app with new token and token secret. So I want to know few things please help me.

=> This Auth Token and Token Secret will work life time ? or it will expired ? => It is possible to we can just validate Consumer key, Consumer Secret and nonce Same like woo commerce auth ( without Token and Token Secret ). => How i can generate same auth with my ios app ? have any library ? => I can use this token and token secret with all user ?
