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Re-wrapped hyperlinks into explicit code blocks #178

Closed flexseth closed 3 months ago

flexseth commented 3 months ago

Ok, the first PR didn't fix it. FWIW: The issue is using backticks with hyperlinks. Guessing it's because it's interpreting that as code inside of code and doesn't know what to do.

This should fix the issue that wasn't paragraph spacing. Apologies about the merge into merge into merge... I'm just getting used to using Git. Please let me know if I need to restructure the merge, I can try to walk back the PR or rebase in some way.

Thanks for taking a look, Timothy!

TimothyBJacobs commented 3 months ago

It looks like there is a merge conflict @flexseth.

flexseth commented 3 months ago

Ok, let me see what I can do! Not super good with the whole branching and merging thing yet but can prolly figure it out. TY

flexseth commented 3 months ago

@TimothyBJacobs - should be G2G now

TimothyBJacobs commented 3 months ago


flexseth commented 3 months ago


Ahhh! Much better. Keep an eye out for more formatting changes next week