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Examples #180

Open DrLightman opened 3 months ago

DrLightman commented 3 months ago

I feel the need of examples. Using raw curl PHP or WordPress functions examples. For authentication and simple creation of posts, medias, etc, just to give newbies a way to start rather than bouncing from a StackOverflow question to another.

francisei commented 1 month ago

I'd be happy to create a get-started example topic covering curl PHP and WP_REST_Request. But I don't have permission to assign this issue to myself. Assign it to me and I'll get started on it.

TimothyBJacobs commented 1 week ago

Are you thinking of adding a new doc or adding a new section to an existing one?

francisei commented 1 week ago

I was planning on adding a new Examples doc to the Using the REST API section, but I'm open to suggestions.