WPChill / modula-nextgen-migrator

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caption text and alt text is not migrated when NextGen galleries are the source of the strings #2

Closed beatricelucaci closed 3 weeks ago

beatricelucaci commented 1 year ago

The reason that it doesnt work is that all pictures in my NextGen galleries are the source of the strings. Not the media gallery of wordpress where the same picture resides. To create the galleries I have always uploaded pictures to the regular media gallery then inserted pictures from media gallery -> Nextgen. Then written the texts in NextGen. I tried writing strings on one picture in the media library belonging to a gallery in NextGen to see if that worked. Yes, I proved my point.


beatricelucaci commented 4 months ago

+1 When I do the migration NextGen to Modula then I see that it just migrates images while not image alt text & caption text. Please refer to the screenshot as https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/db8abd1st2uhf5ktlfkhd/Screenshot-2024-04-24-at-3.20.58-PM.png?rlkey=m7crrp3pk5ogqww5qygve1c6x&st=jnt25i6o&dl=0

beatricelucaci commented 2 months ago

any news?