WPChill / strong-testimonials

A WordPress plugin for client testimonials.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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a shortcode that will display only testimonials that are found in 2 categories #370

Open mplusb opened 1 year ago

mplusb commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. an option to be able display testimonials only if they are in 2 selected categories. If they are in one or the other, to no display them.

With AND I would like to get testimonials, that are flagged with two categories.

Example with three testimonials

Test 1 A B C

Test 2 A B

Test 3 A C

So I would to display testimonials with both category conditions met - A and C.

A + C should display only Test 1 and Test 3. Not Test 2, because that is not in C

Additional context https://secure.helpscout.net/conversation/2146625021/54178?folderId=2934197