WPCloudDeploy / wp-cloud-deploy

WPCloudDeploy is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily deploy and manage your own dedicated high-performance WordPress servers and sites at any cloud server provider.
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V5 | Plugins that do not work out of the box #79

Closed unakriti closed 11 months ago

unakriti commented 1 year ago


This post is to track a list of plugins that do not work with V5 out of the box. You may add your findings to this list.

Since WPCD PHP Restrictions are implemented using php_admin_value and php_admin_flag instead of php_value and php_flag respectively, you cannot override these using a standard php.ini file. So if you intend to use any of the following plugins, you will need to drop to a shell terminal and edit PHP configuration files directly.

  1. WPVivid Pro (Dependency on function phpinfo()): Tested with WPCD V5 Beta10, PHP 8.x, Ubuntu 20.04 / 22.04, NGINX and OLS

    • Problem: Discussed here. WPVivid Pro Plugin throws a fatal error when accessing the Plugins page

    • Notes: As a security measure, assuming a shared hosting scenario, WPCD disables the function phpinfo(). WPVivid Pro, reportedly, has a dependency on this function.

    • Workaround/s: (a) Downgrade site to PHP version 7.4. OR (b) As per this document, on NGINX sites, update the file /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/domain.conf to re-enable the phpinfo function and then restart the PHP service, OR (c) Migrate to OLS Edit 19 Nov 2022 - on OLS sites, update the file at /usr/local/lsws/lsphp${phpver}/etc/php/${phpver2}/litespeed/php.ini to re-enable phpinfo

  2. Updraft Plus Plugin (Dependency on PHP functions): Not tested personally but WPCD has it documented on this page as something that may work with current PHP restrictions. But if it throws errors, you will need to remove the conflicting PHP directives manually. Screenshot below:

WPCD PHP Restrictions for Updraft Plus Screenshot from 2022-11-12 15-11-16

  1. DB Cleaner, Error Log, and Security Plugins (Dependency on PHP directives of error_log, log_errors, open_basedir): Tested with WPCD V5 Beta10, PHP 8.x, Ubuntu 20.04 / 22.04, OLS
    • Plugins tested: (a) Error Log Viewer, (b) Error Log Mointor, (c) BulletProof Security, (d) Database Cleaner & Optimizer- PHP Error Log Feature

    • Problem: Discussed here. Any plugin that wants to read PHP log file cannot do so out of the box

    • Notes: Since WPCD defines a location for PHP Error Log file using a set of php_admin_value and php_admin_flag directives, it cannot be overridden with a PHP.ini file

    • Workaround/s: If you need such plugins to work normally, you should either (a) Migrate your site from OLS to NGINX OR (b) drop to a shell terminal and edit PHP configuration files, OR (c) install the OLS Manager and use the OLS Dashboard UI to edit this configuration

Kind regards,

unakriti commented 1 year ago

Update | 21 Dec 2022

WPVivid repo version 0.9.81 includes a fix for the phpinfo() issue. Changelog here.

WPVivid Pro version 2.2.12 includes a fix for a related license activation issue. Changelog here.