WPI-AIM / ambf

Asynchronous Multi-Body Framework
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python Client #132

Closed Zimmo95 closed 3 years ago

Zimmo95 commented 3 years ago

Hi Adnan, I cannot get the position (and orientation) of the objects in my environment. After launching the python application and following your instructions, the position of every object is: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 even if I move them with the "set_pose" line

Best, Enrico

adnanmunawar commented 3 years ago

That is strange, never seen this before. I am going to need more info though, a sample of the Python script that you are running, the ADF file, and the AMBF branch and commit that you are on.

Zimmo95 commented 3 years ago

Aorta.zip python_script.zip What do you mean with "AMBF branch and commit that you are on"?

adnanmunawar commented 3 years ago

You can browse to the location where you cloned AMBF repo and then run git branch -v and paste the output, and then git log --oneline and also paste that output.

adnanmunawar commented 3 years ago

Btw, I just briefly looked at your Python script. Before I try anything, can you put a sleep method in your code and then confirm if the issue persists. Here is roughly what it should look like.

import time
from ambf_client import Client
c = Client()
t = c.get_obj_handle('/ambf/env/Sphere')
pos = t.get_pos()
Zimmo95 commented 3 years ago

e1206fa5 (HEAD -> ambf-1.0, origin/ambf-1.0, origin/HEAD) Updated examples with images 3d6ddb7b Added an example of teleop with input device 4e4402c9 Update the base and tip transforms in proxy_device.py 9e658b38 Added example of input_device_mapping 651fd1e1 Fix the setting of initial rot if location not specified and workspace scaling 1f41f5eb Raising the min allowed value of dt for joint controller 0cc50699 Bug, replacing == with = for setting joint controller output type. af736a55 Refactoring workspace scaling term and adding damping ramp of orientation control. 1d891b05 Bug, fixed class import a639ee5b Bug, replacing == by = in controller output mode type assignment. fa683f77 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ambf-1.0' into ambf-1.0 cdf9dcfb Fixed softbody orientation 19c4a02a Adding the capability of creating convex hulls and convex triangle based collision from meshes. d657f7b0 AMBF C++ client (#106) 8909b9db Fixed typo in readme 4c910cf5 Fix #92. Added example of sensors and actuators and grasping based on them. 0227bd3e Removed explicit joint controllers for the KUKA so that velocity based controllers are used :

I tried to launch your script but the error still exists

adnanmunawar commented 3 years ago

Great, I would recommend switching to the restructure branch and the newest commit, although it doesn't have anything to do with this issue, it might be related to the other issue here https://github.com/WPI-AIM/ambf/issues/131.

Now I ran the ADF file with the exact branch and commit and this is the output that I get:

python ~/Downloads/python_script.py 
('Found Common Object Namespace as: ', '/ambf/env/')
x: 1.1883
y: -0.2964
z: 2.2166
('Closing publisher for: ', '/ambf/env/Aorta45')
('Closing publisher for: ', '/ambf/env/Plane1')
('Closing publisher for: ', '/ambf/env/Aorta42')

Can you try increasing the sleep time to a couple of seconds and see what you get?

Zimmo95 commented 3 years ago

I increased to 2 seconds but the problem still exists. How can I switch to restructure branch and newest commit ?

adnanmunawar commented 3 years ago

I would recommend getting familiar with git using a plethora of online resources. Here is an easy one https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Basic-Branching-and-Merging

Zimmo95 commented 3 years ago

I deleted and re-downloaded ambf and now everything works..LOL

adnanmunawar commented 3 years ago

Great. Please remember to close the issues once they are resolved.