I added some catkin/ROS-related instructions to README based on our testing/discussion today @adnanmunawar
Please feel free to modify to match your preferred formatting, etc.
For posterity, the reason this came up is because if you do not follow these instructions, sourcing AMBF will "unsource" an existing catkin_ws or sourcing that catkin_ws will "unsource" AMBF, making it impossible to use the AMBF ROS tools (e.g. the ambf_client) in a script that exists within a catkin_ws.
I added some catkin/ROS-related instructions to README based on our testing/discussion today @adnanmunawar
Please feel free to modify to match your preferred formatting, etc.
For posterity, the reason this came up is because if you do not follow these instructions, sourcing AMBF will "unsource" an existing catkin_ws or sourcing that catkin_ws will "unsource" AMBF, making it impossible to use the AMBF ROS tools (e.g. the ambf_client) in a script that exists within a catkin_ws.
We stumbled into the process of doing a workspace overlay (http://wiki.ros.org/catkin/Tutorials/workspace_overlaying) to solve the issue.