WPManageNinja / easy-code-manager

The High-Performance File Based Code Snippet Plugin for WP
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Feature Request: load CSS/JS via generated external file #18

Open wittywolk opened 5 months ago

wittywolk commented 5 months ago

It would be awesome if Fluent Snippets would come with a features known for plugins such as WPCode or WPCodeBox - load CSS/JS files via generated by the plugin external files.

So, you can write/edit CSS/JS in the WP Dashboard and then the plugin generates a external file which is being linked on the website.

tdrayson commented 3 months ago

Hey @wittywolk, FluentSnippets doesn't actually store any data in the database at all, everything is file based. If you check your /wp-content folder you should see a folder called fluent-snippet-storage, in there you will see all the files that are generated from FluentSnippets.

You can read more about the design here