I'm getting an error from AWS SES when sending a password rest email via the WooCommerce password reset... /my-account/lost-password/, ie "lost password"
Other emails are sent fine, for example "contact us" form submission notification via FluentForms as well as those sent via FluentCRM via a campaign.
Oddly, if i go to the uers's profile page in admin and click the "send reset link" the email goes through. It is only when using the "lost password" link and form.
I'm getting an error from AWS SES when sending a password rest email via the WooCommerce password reset... /my-account/lost-password/, ie "lost password"
The error is: { "code": 400, "message": "SimpleEmailService::sendRawEmail(): Sender - InvalidParameterValue: Missing start boundary\nRequest Id: 57d3edce-cff2-410a-9255-174d4ed47beb\n", "errors": [ "SimpleEmailService::sendRawEmail(): Sender - InvalidParameterValue: Missing start boundary\nRequest Id: 57d3edce-cff2-410a-9255-174d4ed47beb\n" ] }
Other emails are sent fine, for example "contact us" form submission notification via FluentForms as well as those sent via FluentCRM via a campaign.
Oddly, if i go to the uers's profile page in admin and click the "send reset link" the email goes through. It is only when using the "lost password" link and form.
Any ideas? Bob