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allow for custom parcel layer symbology #7

Open saylorsd opened 6 months ago

saylorsd commented 6 months ago

Like on the old version: https://tools.wprdc.org/property-dashboard

saylorsd commented 4 months ago

To do this, we'll need to add a tile layer that operates on (relatively) arbitrary SELECT queries.

We'll need a few new UI components for our library:

  1. A category color form (dropdowns based on something like a DISTINCT query)
  2. A choropleth form
  3. A filter form - specifically around parcels for now, but think generally.

Types of layers:

Simple filter

Limit parcels used in tileset to those that match criteria. Apply layer with solid color specified by user. e.g. Owner Portfolio - filter map to only those with provided owner address

We can provide user interfaces at varying levels of abstraction. e.g.

  1. Highlight Shared Owner button
  2. Assessment Value with Range simple form
  3. React Query Builder form


Layer with categories and their respective colors picked by user. e.g. Parcel Class - color map based on class (residential, industrial, etc.)

The user will pick a data field, and then pick the categories and their colors based on possible values.


Layer with continuous data. e.g. Assessment Value - color map based on parcel assessed value.

The user will pick a data field and then pick a color ramp (and maybe an interpolation function)