WPTT / theme-sniffer

Theme Sniffer plugin using sniffs.
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WIP: Allow some variants of filenames in required_files_checks #129

Closed pattonwebz closed 5 years ago

pattonwebz commented 5 years ago

Partial work towards solution for #128. This allows a .md or .txt for readme and a .jpg and .png for screenshot. Also allows uppercase README.* variants.

The file_exists() function is case sensitive on some filesystems and not others so it's not reliable to check variants with different cases. We probably need to explore another solution for this but the only other way I can think of right now would be to list entire directories to do case insensitive string matches. Seems overly messy.

dingo-d commented 5 years ago

I'll also let @timelsass look at this, since he wrote it 😄 delegating...

Also can you just change the branch to development? Thanks!

dingo-d commented 5 years ago

@pattonwebz There were some merges to the development branch. Can you update your code and fix the conflicts? Thanks!

pattonwebz commented 5 years ago

Yup will refresh it today :)

timelsass commented 5 years ago

I think with reworking the screenshot and readme checks the required files check won't be necessary anymore, and we can handle the file missing errors inside of those classes - you may want to hold off on this for a little bit. The start of the readme validation stuff is in the development branch though if you wanted to look at that one. I'm still not entirely sure if the sniff should allow .md for the reasons described on https://github.com/WPTRT/theme-sniffer/issues/128#issuecomment-470288556. As a note, the parser/validator on wp.org is expecting .txt when validating via URL: https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/browser/sites/trunk/wordpress.org/public_html/wp-content/plugins/plugin-directory/readme/class-validator.php#L33.

Themes never had a requirement as to format when it comes to a readme.txt, so I don't see a reason to allow multiple extensions. I would even argue that having a stricter format would be a better choice than adapting to old methods which are filled with their fair share of underlying issues. The Gutenberg block RFC is a good example of a better way to handle this type of information: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/blob/97e878c57266071b4c4de460dabbf3471055bd21/docs/rfc/block-registration.md associated PR/discussion: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/13693/files/97e878c57266071b4c4de460dabbf3471055bd21#diff-4b5f9e280074f644def145cb4cc4fb6e

That information is far more accessible, easier to parse, and pretty much every programming language has a lib to consume it easily if not already built in. However if the desire is to achieve closer parity between plugins and themes for some reason, then having the format as just readme.txt seems okay for now.

pattonwebz commented 5 years ago

@tim if you think these files could be checked for inside of alternative sniffs should the check this PR modifies just be removed entirely?

My concern here is that I want to stop users from having so many false positives on the required files check. I'd like to make that happen sooner rather than later.

Readme can be either .txt or .md. Screenshot can be .png or .jpg/.jpeg (possibly also .gif). comments.php file is not required.

joyously commented 5 years ago

Readme can be either .txt or .md.

The Required page says readme.txt file. There is nothing about readme.md. It should be consistent with plugins, and if core will be reading it (as we intend), only one name should be allowed.

pattonwebz commented 5 years ago

In the past we have allowed people to use .md if they wanted. In the interests of getting something out there for a fix I am allowing it. If it is not allowable in future that's ok - but for now we can allow it and prevent users seeing an ERROR that is only a blocker in terms of semantics.

joyously commented 5 years ago

I think that's a dangerous way to go. It should match the requirements page and also match what core is checking for PHP version, and match what plugins allows. I say it's okay to have readme.md, but it should be ignored by WP. WP should only look at one file: readme.txt.

pattonwebz commented 5 years ago

WP should only look at one file: readme.txt.

I'm not saying I disagree with that. I just don't want to have to wait until that is worked through before this check stops making people think there is a major blocker when it's only minor and easily resolvable :)

pattonwebz commented 5 years ago

I updated this PR to fix conflicts. It does have certain issues with the other updated readme checks that will need worked though if this is the method that we go with here if nothing else more appropriate can be worked out quickly.

Flagging as a WIP for the moment.

timelsass commented 5 years ago

i merged in @pattonwebz commits and started a quick refactor in PR https://github.com/WPTRT/theme-sniffer/pull/160. The PR does add a few extras in as well - the aspect ratio check from theme-check on screenshot, the extra extensions checks, and case-insensitive file exists checks. It should be easier to manage and tell what's going on in the refactor - or at least I hope it is :smile: It's still not 100%, but I think it's bringing things together better. It does remove the required files check mentioned above, and brings the screenshot sniffs into it's own validator class like the readme sniffs were. These changes should resolve the issues @pattonwebz mentioned above about the updated readme checks collisions.

I started to remove some of the logic for errors/warnings/messages in these, and have a more generic implementation for other sniffs to use in the future which is a Results class. Both the readme and screenshot sniffs are using it now. The Results class is designed for a single file that has a Validator class with a call to get_results() (these implement Has_Results), which returns an array of messages, and then it will format those the expected way for merging into the final report response that gets output.

There's now a Validate_File class, which both readme/screenshot sniffs use - this is where the logic for required files was abstracted out to. Following @pattonwebz suggestion of a case-insensitive search in directory seemed like a good way to go for the issues with file_exists, so there's a helper/trait that can be used where needed to do that. The Validate_File class makes use of this to resolve README.txt vs readme.txt (a test case for this is twentyseventeen since it uses all caps for it's readme file).

For all the extensions stuff, no ones really gave a clear answer, so I just have screenshot checking png, jpg, case-insensitive, and readme checking txt, md, case-insensitive. The filename and extensions are just class properties, so easy to spot and change if this needs to be changed. For the case insensitive stuff - as explained above is the File_Helpers trait, so the logic there can be changed to check only lower + only upper instead of case-insensitive if needed.

I've not tested all of this out, so i'd say it's still WIP, and any help in testing is appreciated if anyone has some spare time

pattonwebz commented 5 years ago

@timelsass I will try test out your work on Monday for #160 . I appreciate you bearing with me here on my shifting targets for allowable types and extensions :).

I'm aware that it could well be a slippery slope to go down making such decisions on the spot (for a very short term workaround on the issue) but the amount of uses that seek help with the old required file checks is out of proportion with the severity of what the check was reporting.

Keeping this PR open for the moment but I expect #160 will be a better solution.

dingo-d commented 5 years ago

The readme.txt should be validated and required, as it is going to be important to have a valid readme if were to make a theme main page look like plugins one. The readme.md is good for github, but shouldn't be required to have.

Btw, any update on this PR?