WSSSPE / WG-Best-Practices

White paper/journal paper on best practices developing sustainable scientific software
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Potential journals as target for publication #6

Open sandragesing opened 7 years ago

sandragesing commented 7 years ago

Here is a list of journals we could target (thanks to Patricia Lago!)

Elsevier Journal on Systems and software Future Generation Computer Systems Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems Telematics and Informatics Environmental Impact Assessment Review IEEE Series on Green Communications and Computing Networks Information Journal Journal of Cleaner Production Journal of Software Evolution and Processes - Special Issue on Software Engineering for Sustainability (SE4S) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Environmental Modelling and Software IEEE Software (Special Issue on Green Software in 2014) International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology International Journal of Sustainable Engineering Journal Computer Science Research and Development Journal of Computer Information Systems Journal of Intelligent Information Systems

kyleniemeyer commented 7 years ago

It might be good to consider a few open-access journals, such as

It looks like some of those above are more focused on the other kind of sustainability (i.e., related to energy use or the environment), which I don't think is what we are going for. For example, the journal of Cleaner Production is related to reducing energy use in manufacturing—similarly, Sustainable Computing, Environmental Impact, Green Communications, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Environmental Modeling and Software, Int. J Sustainable Engineering.

They are definitely about sustainability and software, just not the kind of sustainability we are talking about... 😄

(also, perhaps identifying some journals will help push us to get this done...)

rhmcdonald commented 7 years ago

I was also going to mention:

PeerJ CS - RIOJournal - JORS - JOSS - PLOS One - Computer and Information Sciences -

Having the piece open for all would be great but I also understand as I am a long time ACM and IEEE Member.



kyleniemeyer commented 7 years ago

JOSS is only designed for an actual software package, but the others look good 👍 (I wasn't aware of PLOS One Computer and Information Sciences)