WTFGeeks / Natural-Magic

This is the Official repository for the Natural Magic Modpack designed by Lewis WTFGeeks!
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How to get rid of Project e #271

Open clarity2199 opened 7 years ago

clarity2199 commented 7 years ago

Personally, I think it was the dumbest thing to have Project e as a no choice mod you automatically get with the pack. The problem with this mod is it is WAY too op! By having this mod, you basically defeat the purpose of bothering with any other mod in the game. Why deal with Thaumcraft? Why Botania or even Blood magic? When all you have to do is get Project e rolling and make one of those flowers to get the most op armor and weapons in the game? And it's sad, because I really want to get into this mod, it looks great otherwise! So, I tried to disable it through the atlauncher, but that just kills the game. Yeah, you can load the modpack, but anytime you try to start a game it dies because project e is in it. And I don't understand how project e is so integrated in this pack that it would do that. So, if someone could give me any advice how to kill off project e and still be able to play this modpack, I would greatly appreciate it. Until then, it just seems to be a total waste of time to even play it. It's too easy.