Change from YAML to JSON - token benefit was unrealized due to large prompts
User is now prompted for API key if one does not already exist in the game's config files. Closes #2
User now sees a loading screen that displays images and text while their game is generating. Text updates propagate from the backend through a tokio mpsc::Receiver and appWindow event. Closes #3
Scenes are first designed as a summary and then designed in more detail. Closes #4
Images are generated through DallE and throttled to avoid exceeding API rate limits. Closes #5
Character details are generated based on scene detail information, and characters are given a profile with other interesting information such as their background, thoughts, and personality. A character actor prompt was devised with instructions on how to communicate actions as well as dialog. Closes #11
Item detail is generated with 256x256 Dalle2 images
Games are generated and saved as a json file and series of files in a directory. Game sessions are also generated and saved in a separate directory. Closes #10
Each game has their own home screen with cover art, with options to start a new game or continue.
Game selection screen displays previously-generated games on cards for the player to cycle through and select to play existing games.