WWBN / AVideo-Encoder-Network

Encoder Network Servers for AVideo Platform Open-Source
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Encoder Network - Streamers Table - Password Field #37

Closed GreenDragonTavern closed 2 years ago

GreenDragonTavern commented 2 years ago

Can't login to Encoder Network from AVideo. Modified pass field to varchar(255) same as Encoder. As an aside, AVideo password field in Users table is varchar(145), seems logical they all should match. Copied Admin password from Encoder and updated Encoder Network to reflect same. Was able to login from AVideo. This all happened on fresh installation of Encoder Network.

DanielnetoDotCom commented 2 years ago

This Update requires you to update all our products: Streamer, Paid plugins, Encoder, and Encoder-Network (git pull)

GreenDragonTavern commented 2 years ago

Commented on another post regarding Encoder Network login failure. Did exactly as you mentioned, pulled down all plugins and fresh on AVideo, Encoder, Encoder-Network. Only when I modified pass field structure to varchar(255) in streamers table on Encoder-Network database was I able to login.

DanielnetoDotCom commented 2 years ago

Humm, I see.

you may be right, I guess I missed that.

thanks, that helps a lot. I will build something to update it

DanielnetoDotCom commented 2 years ago

I will send an update just to correct the database field size.

sorry for the inconvenience. for some reason this error does not happen on my side, it it makes a lot of sense