WWBN / AVideo-Encoder

Encoder Server for AVideo Platform Open-Source
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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fix Download zip archive #281

Open tilicarforever opened 3 years ago

tilicarforever commented 3 years ago

Hi there. After few weeks of understand why Encoder din't move the video to platform, and play around: youphptubeencoder.json not found in the log, I look up to Encoder, and I found this:

In the "/objects/Encoder.php" at line 731 $target = $youPHPTubeURL . "youPHPTubeEncoder.json"; this was the problem. I replace this with $target = $youPHPTubeURL . "aVideoEncoder.json"; and everithing is good. Before that the video din't move to Platform.

After I found this, I come here to Git files and look to the file, and guess what? The file is completly chaged. The line at 802 is $target = $aVideoURL . "aVideoEncoder.json";

After this I redownload the zip, and guess what ? The file is the same as first time with "/objects/Encoder.php" at line 731 $target = $youPHPTubeURL . "youPHPTubeEncoder.json";``

Can someone fix this ? If I'm wrong with something, please corect me. I'm new with Git.

Have a nice day.

PS: I google the problem and I found nothing to solve this.

DanielnetoDotCom commented 3 years ago

I guess your encoder is outdated.

try to update it with the latest version on the master branch