WWBN / AVideo-Storage

Storage Server for AVideo Platform Open-Source
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No plugin called YPTStorage Plugin #1

Closed akhilleusuggo closed 5 years ago

akhilleusuggo commented 5 years ago

Enable YPTStorage Plugin Make sure you enable it before your installation, this is necessary because the Storage installation will check your plugin during the configuration assistant

If you do not have the plugin yet, get it here

I don't see any plugin called like this , not on the web you linked or anywhere . Do I need to git pull or something ?

DanielnetoDotCom commented 5 years ago


thanks for folowing it.

the YPTStorage is a paid plugin and I just add it on the Plugins store.

also, it is on the demo site. I will update the README soon

akhilleusuggo commented 5 years ago

@DanielnetoDotCom Thanks for the reply , but in my opinion it's too expensive . And the videoHLS also . I just don't get what the plugin does exactly . I though the videoHLS were just a command line on the ffmpeg that I have been using until now . Example : ffmpeg -i {$pathFileName} -profile:v baseline -level 4.2 -s 1920x1080 -start_number 0 -hls_time 10 -hls_list_size 0 -f hls index.m3u8 {$destinationFile} the index.m3u8 can be removed from what I've seen .

jaynelim commented 5 years ago

yes you're pricing the plugins at too much price. makes the open source project difficult to use. i know u need to be compensated for your time, but pricing plugins at $60 each is just too much.

akhilleusuggo commented 5 years ago

The idea behind an open-source it to be free , but there's no doubt that they need to make some profit from this amazing work . If they place plugins at that hgiher prices , none gonna buy them ( maye 2 or 3 ) , but with a normal prices I think everybody will be interested on them and the final benefit will be higher . Just to mention that YouPHPTube has doubled the price of ALL the plugins . I remember seen this project 2 years ago at the start , I wasn't interested but took a look , and the prices I remember very well they were 50% less than they are today . The resolution switch were for 9.99$ now 20$ ......

For 60$ storage plugin I'll better get a 3TB storage or 4TB storage for that price

EnrOn-tv commented 4 years ago

comcordo pq para eu comora aqui no brasil sai muito carro se tivese mais em conta teria comprado todos ja