WWBN / AVideo-Storage

Storage Server for AVideo Platform Open-Source
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3 Proposals improvement for AVideo-Storage #21

Open maxlinux2000 opened 3 years ago

maxlinux2000 commented 3 years ago

1) To see how much space I have available I have to go to the Storage server in use, and look at "Mounted Filesystems". It would be very good if this information was available directly on the Streaming Server with colours bars for each storage server, in the Videos page.

2) Also that the Videos can be filtered by Storage, so that it is possible to see which are the videos present in a Storage server or in the others.

3) Another suggestion is that you can manage the replicas of the videos in several copies of servers, so that if a server storage is down, your partner can take over even if it is in the other part of the world. I know that this can be done easily with several computers in the same datacenter, but: a) It is not easy for everyone. b) if it happens that the datacenter catches fire (like OVH in France for example) this will not help. c) many times it is not that the server has crashed, but that it is not reachable by the user. On the other hand, the user press the play button, a javascript has 2 url available to show the video, and if the first url does not answer, then it would automatically go to the second in a transparent way for the client

regards MaX

akhilleusuggo commented 3 years ago

1-You can just log on the server and df -h . But I understand what you mean. In my case I was trying to completely disable the login on AVideo-Storage. I find it completely unnecessary. Login via API should be the way to go.

2- Already exists. If you go to Videos Dashboard you can see in witch storage the videos are located.

3- I don't think that gonna be nor easy nor possible only via script. Also if you have 6TB of videos , you will need another 6TB at the least only as ''replica". What you're recommending is clustering the storage. You don't need to change code to do this. Alternatives would be kubernetes clusters and reverse proxy with load balancing.

I've been experimenting with all this stuff, but when it comes to the database , I give up.

maxlinux2000 commented 3 years ago

-You can just log on the server and df -h . But I understand what you mean. In my case I was trying to completely disable the login on AVideo-Storage. I find it completely unnecessary. Login via API should be the way to go.

the problem is that I only admin the server, but I don't use the installation of youphptube. Ideally when the admin of youphptube have space problem it advise me so I can add another storage server at time. I have no time to check every day the disk space..... Another way is the I write a little script that check the free space every day in cron, and when arrive to for example 80% it advise me by email.

2- Already exists. If you go to Videos Dashboard you can see in witch storage the videos are located. Tnx

3- I don't think that gonna be nor easy nor possible only via ....

docker and kubernetes are a good solution, but the fire on OVH was an alarm bell. The video files need to be geographically distributed a replicated with some automatic procedure to switch from a source to another without use private API like digitalocean, ovh, azure... This system can be a good system against a disaster or a lot of them at same time, for example a solar storm and a terrorist attack that cuts some submarine cables at same time of solar storm. SCI-FI? I hope so, but reality often surpasses science fiction.

pakirus commented 2 years ago

I move file hls to AVideo-Storage Can not play. But file .MP4 Can play. What must I do ?

DanielnetoDotCom commented 2 years ago

please share a video link here that does not play so I can check