@DanielnetoDotCom I'm trying to close the site so that only logged in users can view the videos.
Using the function: userMustBeLoggedIn
I am able to close the site to force login/registration, but users cannot see anything on the site. It's not the interesting thing.
Is there this option I need? Close the site, but allow the information to be seen, except for the videos to play? Even though all videos are free, no subscription.
Dani, what i am trying to do is very simple.
Today, the user not logged in to the platform can view the videos without LOGIN.
I want the user to be able to see the static content of the site without LOGIN, but to watch the videos he needs a LOGIN.
I think this option you said is not what I need.
It's something more to userMustBeLoggedIn (to view videos).
@DanielnetoDotCom That's it... I solved the problem, I just had to enable the option: hidePrivateVideos.
But it's still not interesting... because the blocking message is not correct: Desculpe, este vídeo é privado.
It informs that the video is private and does not say what to do. Below it is written Login, but usually saying it is not indicating what to do.
I think a text like: "Login to view " or "Faça o login para visualizar", it is much more functional and tells the user what to do.
The picture is not good either... 403 indicates an error, comes from "403 Forbidden", what is happening is not necessarily an error. Just need to log in.
The robot with a red light is no good. The impression is that the user is doing something wrong. Need an option to remove this.
I think redirecting to the login popup is enough.
I didn't find this text in the translation, where is it?
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That's it... I solved the problem, I just had to enable the option: hidePrivateVideos.
But it's still not interesting... because the blocking message is not correct: Desculpe, este vídeo é privado.
It informs that the video is private and does not say what to do. Below it is written Login, but usually saying it is not indicating what to do.
I think a text like: "Login to view " or "Faça o login para visualizar", it is much more functional and tells the user what to do.
The picture is not good either... 403 indicates an error, comes from "403 Forbidden", what is happening is not necessarily an error. Just need to log in.
The robot with a red light is no good. The impression is that the user is doing something wrong. Need an option to remove this.
I think redirecting to the login popup is enough.
I checked that this problem was fixed from version 12.1 to newer 12.4.
The login prompt is better than displaying 403.
But I still think that the popup text is still not the best... "Sorry, this video is private, please login"
I believe that the text has to be generic, because, for example, my "Netflix type" platform does not work with "private videos". My suggestion is that it be a text like:
"Sorry, this content cannot be accessed, please login"
hI, I have a similar issue with standard theme Once my videos are linked to a group of users (to force login even if everything is free) the video do not appears at all. In my theme I have not the option 'Hideprivatevideos' - anyway I have pasted it in 'Customozed plugin' but still do not work. Any idea of what I could try ? thanks.
copy of the plugin customized advanced {"logoMenuBarURL":"","encoderNetwork":"https://www.teveka.net/upload","useEncoderNetworkRecomendation":false,"doNotShowEncoderNetwork":true,"doNotShowUploadButton":false,"uploadButtonDropdownIcon":"fas fa-video","uploadButtonDropdownText":"","encoderNetworkLabel":"","doNotShowUploadMP4Button":true,"disablePDFUpload":false,"disableImageUpload":false,"disableZipUpload":true,"disableMP4Upload":false,"disableMP3Upload":false,"uploadMP4ButtonLabel":"","doNotShowImportMP4Button":true,"importMP4ButtonLabel":"","doNotShowEncoderButton":false,"encoderButtonLabel":"","doNotShowEmbedButton":false,"embedBackgroundColor":"white","embedButtonLabel":"","embedCodeTemplate":"<div class=\"embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9\" style=\"position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25% !important;\"><iframe width=\"640\" height=\"360\" style=\"max-width: 100%;max-height: 100%; border:none;position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%; height: 100%;\" src=\"{embedURL}\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"fullscreen;autoplay;camera ;microphone ;\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" mozallowfullscreen=\"mozallowfullscreen\" msallowfullscreen=\"msallowfullscreen\" oallowfullscreen=\"oallowfullscreen\" webkitallowfullscreen=\"webkitallowfullscreen\" scrolling=\"no\" videoLengthInSeconds=\"{videoLengthInSeconds}\">iFrame is not supported!
I have tried several things using unlisted, unlisted but searchable, public or private with one group. If a video is unlisted or unlisted but searchable it is not visible in the front desk even for admin and that is correct. If it is public of course it is visible, but everyone can watch them even if unlogged. I would like people log in before watching so I create a group, and that works also fine. the logged user can see and watch the video. But as soon as a video is no longer public, it does no longer appear so the visitor can not see it. I just want what it is suggested at the beginning of this issue unlogged people can see all videos but after that to watch them they have to log in. I have seen the 'hidePrivateVideos' option in the Gallery, but I do not have gallery theme. I prefer use the default one. So I have supposed to add directly this option in the Code section of the advanced customize plugin (the code I paste for you) but it doesn't work the videos are not visible as soon as I add them a group of user. I hope I have been clear as my English is not so fluent. thanks for your answers.
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@DanielnetoDotCom I'm trying to close the site so that only logged in users can view the videos.
Using the function:
I am able to close the site to force login/registration, but users cannot see anything on the site. It's not the interesting thing.Is there this option I need? Close the site, but allow the information to be seen, except for the videos to play? Even though all videos are free, no subscription.