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Settings keeps reverting back to default variables #7554

Closed JoshWho closed 1 year ago

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

Just test this feature 7512fced-7a7c-4866-a902-205b1e90b9b9

on a couple accounts, After changing the sub count for a test I change the view count of a video and that caused everything to reset to default settings.

I had to select my Avideo Custom Player again, re add back my cdn url, and still going through other things, trying to remember my custom css I had.

This really sucks

i don't even know what all got reset yet.

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

Why is there not a way to harden those settings to where it is read only or something?

DanielnetoDotCom commented 1 year ago

Josh, I do not see how all can be reset

I must be able to reproduce it to help you.

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

All you have to do is select a account that already has videos uploaded, give it 500k subs and click save. Now go to one of the channels videos and edit the view count. Tell me what it does.

Causes some kind of error and reverts everything to default

DanielnetoDotCom commented 1 year ago

what do you mean "give it 500k subs and click save"?

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

500000 subscribers https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/39392449/212324612-64229a74-e511-4c05-bffb-4303d87461ff.png

DanielnetoDotCom commented 1 year ago

I still do not understand what you mean.

can you please record a video?

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

Add 500000 subscribers to the account 212324612-64229a74-e511-4c05-bffb-4303d87461ff

Now go to that same channel and select a video and change the view count of it. After you click save, look to see if those subscribers that you just added are still there.

DanielnetoDotCom commented 1 year ago

Hi, you first said the issue is that reset all the plugins.

the problem is the subscribers count or the plugin's parameters?

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

That is the bi product. It resets everything back to default

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

Hi, you first said the issue is that reset all the plugins.

the problem is the subscribers count or the plugin's parameters?

They are related. If done in that order i stated it resets everything.

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

Did u see what I am talking about when you do those steps?

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

All my settings got reset again today something is not right.,

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

What the helll did u try it on my site? Why is every back reset again now I have to fix it all again. 3 rd time

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

All my Customize Usersettings and Custom advanced settings are back to default info. All the settings I had including my encoder network url cdn url everything is all reset. This has to be HARDENED to READ ONLY that way it will never get changed ever again.

I don't even want to start putting anything back until I know for sure this will never happen again, because this is the 3rd time today now I have to add all my settings back.

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

When I save something it should be set in stone. This is crazy this still happens. Why can't these option be made to read only so it never goes back to default?????

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

Every time this glitch happens I have to change back

Confirm Email has to be re enabled Only Confirm EMail can Comment Only Confirm Email can upload CDN url Disabled Channel Home Tab Customize User setting Password Salt Re enabled Encoder Network URL Video CDN URL User Permissions have to re add back all the people I had as moderators. Player Skin changes My Custom setting for Checkmark1HTML keep s going back to default checkmark and not the checkmark circle I keep setting it for.. TimeZone had to fix Re enable Donation links Have to now re verify all the accounts I already gave checkmarks too.

Now when you click the Subscribers button it does this because my custom css is all deleted 36136232-8f759e4478e5b0f2450e2fd70f0b7a65

This is getting ridiculous. All these settings need to be hardened and made read only

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

Ok well it just keeps getting reset even when I do not do anything. Everything just got defaulted again!!!!!! 4th time it reset today

JoshWho commented 1 year ago


JoshWho commented 1 year ago

Even the Custom advance upload menu is not reflecting what I have in the fields

36136566-96b2809447a6375531997bae7b150ce1 36136614-bbc98543aeb950788521d3354acd86aa

DanielnetoDotCom commented 1 year ago

Hi good morning, I am testing it locally here now.

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

Even the Custom advance upload menu is not reflecting what I have in the fields

36136566-96b2809447a6375531997bae7b150ce1 36136614-bbc98543aeb950788521d3354acd86aa

This last part just started reflecting. Might have been cache but the other issues are still there

DanielnetoDotCom commented 1 year ago

Just tested and I could reproduce the issue, thanks.

I could only confirm that the channels added count reset but not the plugin parameters. I am working on it and I will release a fix soon

regarding the plugin parameters, does this happen in all plugins or only in a specific plugin?

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

In all plugins some times Mostly Customize Advance

DanielnetoDotCom commented 1 year ago

This update resolves the channel count issue.

can you please check?

I am still not able to resolve the issue in the plugin's parameters.

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

checking now

DanielnetoDotCom commented 1 year ago

The second update will log any change made in the plugin's database. so we will be able to know who is changing what

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

I forgot. It deleted something you gave me to put in the footer code in Customize advance that makes the footer stay hidden in frame 8cffc5a4-796b-4291-ab46-0a577155da9c So I can't test this until I can get the the footer to hide there.

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

What was it that stopped the footer from doing that?

DanielnetoDotCom commented 1 year ago

Not sure. try to hide the footer if the screen is small like ...

@media (max-width: 767px) {
        display:  none !important;
JoshWho commented 1 year ago

Not sure. try to hide the footer if the screen is small like ...

@media (max-width: 767px) {
        display:  none !important;

im giving this a try

Worked perfect with the footer.

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

This update resolves the channel count issue.

can you please check?

I am still not able to resolve the issue in the plugin's parameters.

This did the fix for the numbers changing. THank you.

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

The second update will log any change made in the plugin's database. so we will be able to know who is changing what

I will keep this open for if or when it happens today.

DanielnetoDotCom commented 1 year ago

ok, once this happens check your logs for something like "Plugin updated"

will be some info about what happen

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

ok will do, thank you

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

Site under attack looked like this when it was viewable

download (4)

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

It is like somehow they are knocking the settings off on everything and all the default stuff replaces it.

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

My settings are all changed again @DanielnetoDotCom

DanielnetoDotCom commented 1 year ago

I will check your logs now

DanielnetoDotCom commented 1 year ago

Hi, sorry I did not see the error. and looks like you did not make the git pull on my last update that catches the plugin's table modification.

I just updated your site and please setup again and let me know if the plugins configuration changes again

DanielnetoDotCom commented 1 year ago

to save your time you should MySQL dump the plugin's table only and recover it if need.

I am not sure the command line to do that, but I am sure you can find how to on google

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

Ok will do.

I must have ran the git right before u sent it.

Keeping an eye out

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

See how all this is back to default again


JoshWho commented 1 year ago

I had the home tab disabled the Circle Check Mark should be the only checkmark showing there.


JoshWho commented 1 year ago

Everything went back to the default

DanielnetoDotCom commented 1 year ago

Josh, thank you for your patience.

I found something that seems to be the problem.

I just sent you a fix. can you please keep the eyes opened again?

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

Sure,no probs. I just re applied all my settings again. I am watching

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

And I wake up and everything is reset again to default 36149203-919da3f0478b1b558637b556be9bc12d

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

Come one we have to make these setting read only

JoshWho commented 1 year ago

They keep disabling the passwords salts and every setting. I have to re enable this is repeatedly ridiculous and needs to be hardened.

Had to re apply setting to

Confirm Email has to be re enabled Only Confirm EMail can Comment Only Confirm Email can upload CDN url Disabled Channel Home Tab Customize User setting Password Salt Re enabled Encoder Network URL Video CDN URL User Permissions have to re add back all the people I had as moderators. Player Skin changes My Custom setting for Checkmark1HTML keep s going back to default checkmark and not the checkmark circle I keep setting it for.. TimeZone had to fix Re enable Donation links

Seems to be only plugin settings. Core settings do not get changed. Just the addons seems to be like a floating variable.

They are winning this war by making users think my website is not reliable. How can this be stopped? I think the only solution is to set my settings in stone. AKA harden them sentinals

DanielnetoDotCom commented 1 year ago

I suspect it is a bug, not an attack.

I still could not detect the error, I am so sorry. But I am sending new updates again to try to catch what happens.