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After a recent git pull, *all* uploads result in "Broken missing files" #9009

Closed walt93 closed 7 months ago

walt93 commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug After a recent git pull, all uploads result in "Broken missing files"

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Upload a video using any method
  2. Observe "Broken missing files"

Expected behavior Video upload to work

Error Logs https://pastebin.com/xfUNdeWV

DanielnetoDotCom commented 7 months ago

that is the encoder log, you should share your AVideo log

walt93 commented 7 months ago

I just created a fresh broken/missing file video and dumped the last ≈2K lines of log - I've uploaded this video 4-5 times so far today so there should be some good data in there.


DanielnetoDotCom commented 7 months ago

there is no clue in your logs

also there is no records of saving any video on your logs

walt93 commented 7 months ago

In the encoder logs I can see the video here:

[23-Apr-2024 11:10:29 America/Los_Angeles] sendToStreamer https://conspyre.tv/aVideoEncoder.json in 0.285 seconds {"error":false,"target":"aVideoEncoder.json","postFields":{"duration":"EE:EE:EE","title":"Redpill Drifter - 9 WARNING SIGNS YOU MAY HAVE PARASITES Many of the symptoms you may be feeling could, in fact, be parasites. Mainstream pharma shill Doctors do not want you to know because it can be treated naturally. Also, check out @TheParasiteGuy ","first_request":1,"categories_id":16,"format":"mp4","resolution":"","videoDownloadedLink":"https:\/\/x.com\/RedpillDrifter\/status\/1782507044735729981","description":"9 WARNING SIGNS YOU MAY HAVE PARASITES Many of the symptoms you may be feeling could, in fact, be parasites. Mainstream pharma shill Doctors do not want you to know because it can be treated naturally. Also, check out @TheParasiteGuy for more great information on this topic https:\/\/t.co\/uObfiymEF5","downloadURL":"","chunkFile":"","encoderURL":"https:\/\/prometheus.conspyre.tv\/","keepEncoding":"0","streamers_id":1,"user":"Conspyre","pass":"_user_hash_dFZsZUk2UCtMcHJWUXFKQXNqM0h0V2h0b0tUSFF1eGpBR2pYZVVkak9ScEhQelBYNUhJc3ZvQlVJUmp5K21EOC81ejhnQTVkYzlJVjRoRUxPYXBJdVE9PQ==","return_vars":"{\"videos_id\":0,\"video_id_hash\":\"\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-23 11:07\"}","releaseDate":"2024-04-23 11:07","releaseTime":1713895620,"timezone":"America\/Los_Angeles"},"response_raw":"{\"error\":false,\"video_id\":18387,\"video_id_hash\":\"NG93YkkvOTdoVDQvWUxSZzJZeEUrQWtLUmdyZjNLR0FzOVN1bElPKzZKcz0=\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-23 11:07\",\"releaseTime\":\"1713895620\"}","response":{"error":false,"video_id":18387,"video_id_hash":"NG93YkkvOTdoVDQvWUxSZzJZeEUrQWtLUmdyZjNLR0FzOVN1bElPKzZKcz0=","releaseDate":"2024-04-23 11:07","releaseTime":"1713895620"}}

Looking at the log from the streamer site, the last log entry is one day previous to this, and was output with tail -n 1500. I don't even have a theory here.

I wonder if it could be due to the avideo.log being stupid huge? 42GB is ... a lot of log

ubuntu@pyron:/var/www/html/conspyre.tv/videos$ ls -lsh *.log
42G -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 42G Apr 24 01:00 avideo.log

I removed the contents of the avideo.log and ran the video through the transcoder two more times. The result is Broken Missing Files two more times. The avideo.log file is still empty.

Not sure what to do at this point.

ubuntu@pyron:/var/www/html/conspyre.tv/videos$ sudo -s
root@pyron:/var/www/html/conspyre.tv/videos# echo "" > avideo.log
root@pyron:/var/www/html/conspyre.tv/videos# cat avideo.log



ubuntu@pyron:/var/www/html/conspyre.tv/videos$ cat avideo.log

ubuntu@pyron:/var/www/html/conspyre.tv/videos$ ls -ls avideo.log
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 1 Apr 24 04:49 avideo.log

DanielnetoDotCom commented 7 months ago

For the same video should be multiple sendToStreamer https://conspyre.tv/aVideoEncoder.json

this one does not have the video

walt93 commented 7 months ago

What do you suggest?

Uploading all videos fails.

24 hours after erasing avideo.log, the file avideo.log is still empty.

Why does the site no longer emit logfiles, Daniel? That seems strange. There were 42GB in avideo.log and all I did was echo "" > avideo.log to erase the contents. Also, that logfile had current timestamps to 24 hours before the encoder (you can check the pastebins above). Why did my avideo site stop logging ≈48 hours ago?

Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 9 35 55 AM

DanielnetoDotCom commented 7 months ago
  1. delete your encoder and streamer logs
  2. encode only 1 video
  3. once it is complete share both logs (complete)
walt93 commented 7 months ago

Encoder: $ tail avideo.log [25-Apr-2024 18:21:47 UTC] sendToStreamer to objects/aVideoEncoderNotifyIsDone.json.php [25-Apr-2024 18:21:48 UTC] Encoder::save id=(496) title=(Redpill Drifter - 9 WARNING SIGNS YOU MAY HAVE PARASITES Many of the symptoms you may be feeling could, in fact, be parasites. Mainstream pharma shill Doctors do not want you to know because it can be treated naturally. Also, check out @TheParasiteGuy ) streamers_id=1 [25-Apr-2024 18:21:48 UTC] sendToStreamer spectrumimage not set [25-Apr-2024 18:21:48 UTC] sendToStreamer rawVideo not set [25-Apr-2024 18:21:48 UTC] sendToStreamer image not set [25-Apr-2024 18:21:48 UTC] sendToStreamer gifimage not set [25-Apr-2024 18:21:48 UTC] sendToStreamer webpimage not set [25-Apr-2024 18:21:48 UTC] sendToStreamer video not set [25-Apr-2024 18:21:48 UTC] sendToStreamer https://conspyre.tv/objects/aVideoEncoderNotifyIsDone.json.php in 0.214 seconds {"error":false,"target":"objects\/aVideoEncoderNotifyIsDone.json.php","postFields":{"fail":0,"streamers_id":"1","user":"Conspyre","pass":"_user_hash_Sm1jRnNMdnlQNTVDS3lqUWJlTVVsMm5GZGhrRy9rQVE1RXU3QmxZMkFDd3JFcVFXYXRXZk5uRE9kVkpEY0drR3JDdG5ueW10dXhqeUZBSW1JeUpBOXc9PQ==","return_vars":"{\"videos_id\":18395,\"video_id_hash\":\"NG93YkkvOTdoVDQvWUxSZzJZeEUrRGhkaU9HSEFnellURHBQTmdzUTBWST0=\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-25 11:20\"}","releaseDate":"2024-04-25 11:20","releaseTime":1714044000,"videos_id":18395,"video_id_hash":"NG93YkkvOTdoVDQvWUxSZzJZeEUrRGhkaU9HSEFnellURHBQTmdzUTBWST0=","timezone":"UTC"},"response_raw":"{\"error\":false,\"video_id\":18395}","response":{"error":false,"video_id":18395}} [25-Apr-2024 18:21:48 UTC] Encoder::save id=(496) title=(Redpill Drifter - 9 WARNING SIGNS YOU MAY HAVE PARASITES Many of the symptoms you may be feeling could, in fact, be parasites. Mainstream pharma shill Doctors do not want you to know because it can be treated naturally. Also, check out @TheParasiteGuy ) streamers_id=1

Streamer: ubuntu@pyron:/var/www/html/conspyre.tv/videos$ cat avideo.log

[24-Apr-2024 20:00:03 America/Lima] AVideoLog::ERROR: Socket server For better performance install PDO SQLite in your PHP SCRIPT_NAME: /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/plugin/YPTSocket/server.php [24-Apr-2024 20:00:03 America/Lima] AVideoLog::DEBUG: Starting Socket server at port 2053 SCRIPT_NAME: /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/plugin/YPTSocket/server.php [24-Apr-2024 20:00:03 America/Lima] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Failed to listen on "tcp://": Address already in use (EADDRINUSE) in /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/vendor/react/socket/src/TcpServer.php:184 Stack trace:

0 /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/vendor/react/socket/src/Server.php(77): React\Socket\TcpServer->__construct()

1 /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/plugin/YPTSocket/server.php(166): React\Socket\Server->__construct()

2 {main}

thrown in /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/vendor/react/socket/src/TcpServer.php on line 184 [24-Apr-2024 20:00:04 America/Lima] AVideoLog::ERROR: Socket server For better performance install PDO SQLite in your PHP SCRIPT_NAME: /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/plugin/YPTSocket/server.php [24-Apr-2024 20:00:04 America/Lima] AVideoLog::DEBUG: Starting Socket server at port 2053 SCRIPT_NAME: /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/plugin/YPTSocket/server.php [24-Apr-2024 20:00:04 America/Lima] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Failed to listen on "tcp://": Address already in use (EADDRINUSE) in /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/vendor/react/socket/src/TcpServer.php:184 Stack trace:

0 /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/vendor/react/socket/src/Server.php(77): React\Socket\TcpServer->__construct()

1 /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/plugin/YPTSocket/server.php(166): React\Socket\Server->__construct()

2 {main}

thrown in /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/vendor/react/socket/src/TcpServer.php on line 184 [25-Apr-2024 08:40:07 America/Lima] AVideoLog::ERROR: Socket server For better performance install PDO SQLite in your PHP SCRIPT_NAME: /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/plugin/YPTSocket/server.php [25-Apr-2024 08:40:07 America/Lima] AVideoLog::DEBUG: Starting Socket server at port 2053 SCRIPT_NAME: /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/plugin/YPTSocket/server.php [25-Apr-2024 08:40:07 America/Lima] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Failed to listen on "tcp://": Address already in use (EADDRINUSE) in /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/vendor/react/socket/src/TcpServer.php:184 Stack trace:

0 /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/vendor/react/socket/src/Server.php(77): React\Socket\TcpServer->__construct()

1 /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/plugin/YPTSocket/server.php(166): React\Socket\Server->__construct()

2 {main}

thrown in /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/vendor/react/socket/src/TcpServer.php on line 184

Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 11 27 04 AM

DanielnetoDotCom commented 7 months ago

Wrong logs


Should be logs before this

[25-Apr-2024 18:21:47 UTC] sendToStreamer to objects/aVideoEncoderNotifyIsDone.json.php


the logs should match with the encoder logs time, for example [25-Apr-2024 18:21:47 UTC]

walt93 commented 7 months ago

Daniel, those are the logs from the streamer and the encoder. I'm uploading them to pastebin with the commands and directories so you may see that this is the case.

Here is the encoder: https://pastebin.com/gT0i44tT Here is the streamer: https://pastebin.com/whccLwU2

The streamer is NOT picking up the encode. This is the encoder which is configured for the streamer. I do not know what is wrong.

Screenshot showing that prometheus.conspyre.tv is the encoder configured (we only have one) Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 12 51 46 PM

I have updates which need to go out for my Roku channel but am completely blocked until I can make my streamer site accept new files.

DanielnetoDotCom commented 7 months ago

What do you mean "The streamer is NOT picking up the encode."?

DanielnetoDotCom commented 7 months ago

The streamer log is not correct and it is incomplete.

Based on your encoder there is no problem with the encoder

[25-Apr-2024 18:21:47 UTC] Encoder:sendFileChunk no need, we could download

the issue is probably in your streamer, what is missing the correct log

Based on this first thing,

I suspect you have missing permissions in your videos folder, run this and try to encode it again

chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/conspyre.tv/videos

also check your AVideo health check in the admin panel

walt93 commented 7 months ago

Daniel, that solved the issue. I did the chmod 777, encoded the video, and it worked.

Health check is solid green (I didn't check it before the chmod - perhaps it showed something? and that is where I need to check first when something happens… noted!)

I don't have a theory as to when/how I changed permissions on that folder. Very puzzling!