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Mail seem to stop working #9268

Open guymass opened 1 month ago

guymass commented 1 month ago

When testing my mail setting as they were until today for many years, we have been using our own mail server and it is working fine , however when I tested two of my sites today they both had connection errors. We haven't touched those settings at all so I am not sure what is not working or where the issue lies.

Here are few screenshots:

On the Alive528 site:

Screenshot 5784-11-18 at 21 24 17

On my personal site feisafe.com which is running behind a reverse proxy connection, but still it always worked:

Screenshot 5784-11-18 at 21 23 41 Screenshot 5784-11-18 at 21 19 06

What does it mean "Not owned by the user..."? That account is working on my mail server's webmail.

At first I thought it might be because of my proxy, but I check the main server which should always be available and connected to our mail server.

Please let me know what you think.

BTW my setting are SSL with port 587, but I was testing other options when I took that second screenshot.

DanielnetoDotCom commented 1 month ago

sorry I cannot help you with that, this error is regarding your email server authetication.

for sure it is something in your enviroment.

JoshWho commented 1 month ago

Log in with your actual admin account and it should send fine. It is trying to send it with the email of the account you are logged in on. I am a expert with the mail stuff. FYI Mail In A Box is the easiest mail server to deploy and does all the configs for you. Just recommend a second domain to set it up so u do not mess your site up.

guymass commented 1 month ago

Josh is right, although my user is an admin it is not the main admin. Once I logged with the main user I was able to send email. Thank you @JoshWho

guymass commented 1 month ago

Sorry but still having the same issue, I thought the mail was sent, but no mail arrived and on my feisafe.com site I still see the following errors as in the screenshot. I was logged in as main admin, but still couldn't pass the mail test. Nothing has changed on my mail server, its working as it was for the pass 6-7 years with no issues. The only thing that keeps changing and updating is the site and now PHPMailer is not able to connect to my server.

Using telnet and openssl commands to test my server are successful, so that leave only something the has changed on the AVideo script IMHO.

Screenshot 5784-11-19 at 18 37 06

JoshWho commented 1 month ago

Do you have the Scheduler plugin running? That is now needed for the emails to send out.

To use the Scheduler Plugin, you MUST add it on your crontab Open a terminal and type crontab -e than add a crontab for every 1 minute * * * * * php /var/www/html/AVideo/plugin/Scheduler/run.php

JoshWho commented 1 month ago

Sorry but still having the same issue, I thought the mail was sent, but no mail arrived and on my feisafe.com site I still see the following errors as in the screenshot. I was logged in as main admin, but still couldn't pass the mail test. Nothing has changed on my mail server, its working as it was for the pass 6-7 years with no issues. The only thing that keeps changing and updating is the site and now PHPMailer is not able to connect to my server.

Using telnet and openssl commands to test my server are successful, so that leave only something the has changed on the AVideo script IMHO.

Screenshot 5784-11-19 at 18 37 06

Do you use a smtp mail server?