Waboodoo / HTTP-Shortcuts

Android app to create home screen shortcuts that trigger arbitrary HTTP requests
MIT License
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Add ability to set custom intervals #423

Open HFPasfho opened 1 week ago

HFPasfho commented 1 week ago

Describe the solution you'd like

Currently, you can't set the shortcut trigger interval to less than 10 minutes. The ability to set any period would be very useful.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Adding options like 1, 2 and 5 minutes may be sufficient in most of the cases I can think of.

Waboodoo commented 4 days ago

Thanks for the feature request. Currently, the reason why lower intervals are not possible is because the implementation itself uses very imprecise scheduling with big differences between the intervals. This makes it impossible, or at least not very meaningful, to lower the interval further, as it wouldn't be able to actually run the requests reliably. This is one of many flaws and problems of the current scheduling and repetition features, and I'm hoping to overhaul the whole thing at some point to make it more reliable to allow for this.

Related issue: https://github.com/Waboodoo/HTTP-Shortcuts/issues/293