WaferMouse / edmc-chatviewer

A plugin for viewing the in-game chat for Elite: Dangerous Market Connector (EDMC) with hyperlink and clipboard support
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Idea: NPC Voice Acting #3

Open NoFoolLikeOne opened 6 years ago

NoFoolLikeOne commented 6 years ago

I was thinking that maybe if we catalogued the different NPC messages and perhaps grouped them together into different voices we could get the plugin to play a pre-recorded version of the text.

If we set up a structure for open sourcing the sound files we could have people contribute their own voice packs.

I for one would like to have Obsidian Ant record the Pirate voices.

"Hello boys and girls, I'm surprised you made it this far with all that tasty cargo"

Ideally we would have the plugin send all unrecognized NPC chat for cataloging to a central server

WaferMouse commented 6 years ago

This had crossed my mind, but it was way beyond the scope for an initial release that was rushed out for the Salome event. I'd also considered experimenting with OS-level voice synthesis that would work on a similar system. Other personal projects have been taking my time since then.

If there's enough interest and a project to handle the logistics, I'd certainly look to build in support :)

NoFoolLikeOne commented 6 years ago

When I have finished the half dozen other EDMC projects I have planned. I might write it. :)

WaferMouse commented 6 years ago

Closed in error.

inorton commented 6 years ago

I was thinking of exactly the same idea! we could collect all the strings that classes of NPCs say (Cops, pirates, etc) and get people to submit recordings of these phrases