WagicProject / wagic

Wagic the Homebrew
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The issues range from technical bugs in the game's software to inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the rules and mechanics of the game. #1087

Open EduardoMunozGomez opened 1 year ago

EduardoMunozGomez commented 1 year ago

Trying to copy an y instant or sorcery with a permanent crashes the game. Cards like Uyo, Silent Prophet crashes the game.

Cards like Fallen Angel or Lodestone Myr controlled by the AI while attacking can hang the game when the AI tries to use it.

Renegade Krasis and a clone can hang the game.

The free pacts, mostly the blue and the black ones, are still very buggy. Pact of Negation, Summoner's Pact, Pact of the Titan, and Slaughter Pact can be confusing to use. If you target a spell of your opponent's, they lose the game if they don't pay the upkeep.

A creature with deathtouch will destroy any Planeswalker it deals damage to.

Instants and sorceries don't work with cost reduction, at least not dynamically.

Cards that have the string "this(cantargetcard" never close the parentheses. Balancing the parentheses makes the cards stop working.

Madness does not work during the cleanup step, even though it should.

Ethersworn Canonist prevents casting even after being killed.

Planeswalker emblems, when activated by the AI, have the effect on the human player.

Spells that cost {mana} more to cast slow down the game.

Players shouldn't be able to block, crew a vehicle, or take any other action and then block again.

Stealing a commander allows you to win the game with total commander damage.

Commander tax stops working if there is a cost modifier, such as with cards like Cloud Key.

Commanders with X in the cost don't get the commander tax.

In a Commander game where Phage the Untouchable is your commander, casting it from the command zone does not count as casting it from your hand.

When casting your commander as a Morph creature from your hand or the command zone, you will need to pay its morph cost, which is typically three mana of any color. If you are casting it from the command zone, you will also need to pay any additional commander tax that applies, which is an additional two mana for each time you have cast your commander from the command zone before.

Cards like Karametra or Renata with bestow allow you to search for a land or get counters (1/1) even though you are supposed to be casting an aura. Karametra, God of Harvests, and commander interactions need to be revised.

Any vanishing card, such as Deep Forest Hermit, Reality Acid, or Ravaging Riftwurm, doesn't work when cast by the AI. If the AI revives a creature from the graveyard, it gets the time counters.

Cards with a "different names" clause need a revision.

Noentertrg not working.

Convoke is not 100% correct.

Drannith Magistrate and all maxCast need a revision.

There should be prompts for upcosts.

Chosencolor should be in WUBRG.

The AI puts modular counters on your creatures.

Liliana, the Last Hope's "in general until your next turn" effect doesn't seem to work.

The AI doesn't seem to know about Spiritlink.

Exiledeath should be a replacement effect where the card never actually goes to the graveyard.

Sovereign's Realm and other Conspiracy cards need to be revised.

zethfox commented 1 year ago

I feel like I should provide some input as to the reason a lot of these issues exist, at the time that a lot of these abilities were added we had the severe restriction of making sure that this thing still runs on the PSP 1001 with 43mbs of ram. I can only hope that in 2023 there's been moves to finally depreciate the PSP or in the very least move to PSP Vita. And a lot of the other issue stem from having to use the JGE library which was originally and probably still is what's being used as its graphics engine. The replacement effects were a choice to handle the way that they're handled due to not having the rule layers system implemented. And lastly magic was my first dive into c++, I made a lot of mistakes in the very beginning. It became incredibly overwhelming over the eight or so years I committed to the project, as I was the only person in that time period interested in adding all of the missing cards and ability support, I had only Dr salamat helping me with the card text as I was adding engine support. If you guys ever have any questions about any of the abilities don't hesitate to reach out to me. Any commits by omegablast2002 were my own. The saddest part of the move from Google code when it shut down to this repo was that we lost all of the history. Some 300,000 lines of code that was fully explained in the commit. That's my own fault for not documenting it in the wiki or elsewhere... At the same time I couldn't have predicted that Google code was going to shut down. And I couldn't have been expected to be the only person coding abilities support, coding cards, and then also updating wikis.

EduardoMunozGomez commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much for sharing your input and shedding light on the reasons behind some of the issues that exist in the project.

Your dedication to adding missing cards and ability support over the span of eight years, with minimal assistance, speaks volumes about your commitment and passion.

Your offer to answer any questions regarding the abilities is greatly appreciated. It's evident that you possess a deep understanding of the intricacies involved, and your willingness to share your knowledge is invaluable.