WagnerWagnerWagnerWagnerWagnerWagnerWag / COLE

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It's very easy to get caught in an endless loop of getting zapped by slave drivers. #436

Closed Hoofly closed 10 years ago

Hoofly commented 10 years ago

A slave driver zaps you. You fall down. The amount of time it takes to get up is equal to the amount of time that slavedriver takes to zap you again.

All in all, a very frustrating experience.

WagnerWagnerWagnerWagnerWagnerWagnerWag commented 10 years ago

good point. maybe slave driver shouldn't aim/lock on/shoot you if ColeMove's fallling bool is true

Hoofly commented 10 years ago

Ok, I think it's better. The slave driver's behavior isn't perfect, but they are more forgiving when Cole is down.