Raaghu Design System - React, is a design system for modern web apps, which is an open source, Bootstrap enabled collection of reusable elements and components guided by clear standards, capable of giving the designers the necessary tools to develop beautiful, responsive and engaging product experiences.
Create a Flow Chart Style Layout which consists of following Actions as part of flow,
We should be able to change Shape of Frame for All or One based on shape
We should be able to change Shape of Frame i.e. Rectangle, Square, Circle and Triangle
We should be able to change corner radius of Frame
We should be able to add label and icon with label inside frame
Drag and Drop Functionality and Resizing Functionality is needed for the frame and text and internal items should adjust accordingly
Create a Flow Chart Style Layout which consists of following Actions as part of flow, We should be able to change Shape of Frame for All or One based on shape We should be able to change Shape of Frame i.e. Rectangle, Square, Circle and Triangle We should be able to change corner radius of Frame We should be able to add label and icon with label inside frame Drag and Drop Functionality and Resizing Functionality is needed for the frame and text and internal items should adjust accordingly
URL's to refer: https://github.com/projectstorm/react-diagrams https://medium.com/naukri-engineering/creating-dynamic-visualisations-with-react-flow-unveiling-the-possibilities-4d32ed4858