Wai-Technologies / raaghu-react

Raaghu Design System - React, is a design system for modern web apps, which is an open source, Bootstrap enabled collection of reusable elements and components guided by clear standards, capable of giving the designers the necessary tools to develop beautiful, responsive and engaging product experiences.
Apache License 2.0
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Design System > Upgrade Storybook Version from 7.* to 8.2 #604

Open trivenikulkarni opened 1 month ago

trivenikulkarni commented 1 month ago

Design System > Upgrade Storybook Version from 7.* to 8.2

1.Elements 2.Map 3.Charts 4.Components 5.Application Shells 6.Layout

ashoksinarewai commented 1 month ago


ashoksinarewai commented 1 month ago

I have to look at upgrade storybook and see each and every element and component and files if everything is working correct or not. 1.Elements - Completed 2.Map - Completed 3.Charts - Completed 4.Components - Inprogess 5.Application Shells - Pending 6.Layout - Pending

ashoksinarewai commented 1 month ago

Today i have completed following things. 1.Components - Completed 2.Application Shells - Completed 3.Layout - Completed

ashoksinarewai commented 1 month ago

Created a new storybook project on 8.2.6 version, Dark theme issue observed on most of the Elements and Components of Version 8.2 Storybook. This seems to be plugin issue; for this, connected with @suraj-khupse and also loggged ticket on forum "https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/issues/28849" Till we get further solution on this dark issue, keeping this task on hold.

e.g : Light Theme Image

Dark Theme Image

This is the excel file in that file there are mentioned all issue dark theme related to version https://waii-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/personal/ashok_sinare_waiin_com/Documents/Storybook%20Upgrade%208.2.6.xlsx?d=w8887298a6aab4413b46ca516a73be2c3&csf=1&web=1&e=wC0Ctq

Branch Name - users/ashok/task/604-update-storybook-version

@kaushikgokhale @Ketan-Khalate @trivenikulkarni