Waikato / meka

Multi-label classifiers and evaluation procedures using the Weka machine learning framework.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fail to Update Classifier #54

Closed Mali-DS closed 5 years ago

Mali-DS commented 5 years ago

Hi I tried to use CRUpdateable as classifier, I am building classifier by first 100 instances and then I need to add 1 by one instances and update my classifier but the process of updating create NullPointerException. my code is here:

try {
        ConverterUtils.DataSource dataSource = new ConverterUtils.DataSource(FILE_PATH); // original dataset
        Instances preparedDataSet = dataSource.getDataSet();
        preparedDataSet = filterUnsupervisedAttributes(preparedDataSet);

        CRUpdateable classifier = new CRUpdateable();
        RandomForest randomForest = createRandomForest(1);

        Instances  trainingInstances = new Instances(dataSource.getStructure()); // temporary dataset for train
        trainingInstances = filterUnsupervisedAttributes(trainingInstances);

        Instances testInstances = new Instances(dataSource.getStructure()); // temporary dataset for test
        testInstances = filterUnsupervisedAttributes(testInstances);
        int countTestInstances = 0;
        int countTrainInstances = 0;
        boolean firstTrain = true;
        boolean benchTest = true;
        int numInst = preparedDataSet.numInstances();
        for(int row = 123; row < 5021; row++) {
                Instance trainingInstance = preparedDataSet.instance(row);
                trainingInstances.add(trainingInstance); // collect instances to use as training
                if (firstTrain && countTrainInstances%100 == 0 ) {  // train the classifier with the first 100 instances(without any missing values)
                    firstTrain = false;
                    benchTest = true;

// classifier.updateClassifier(trainingInstance);

                    for(int j=row+1;j<row+101;j++){
                        if(benchTest && countTestInstances != 100) { // add next 100 instances to testInstance
                            Instance testInstance = preparedDataSet.instance(j);

                            if (countTestInstances % 100 == 0) {
                                System.out.println("Evaluate CRUpdateable classifier on ");
                                String top = "PCut1";
                                String vop = "3";
                                Result result = Evaluation.evaluateModel(classifier, trainingInstances , testInstances, top, vop);
                                System.out.println("Evaluation available metrics: " + result.availableMetrics());
                                System.out.println("Evaluation Info: " + result.toString());
                                System.out.println("Levenshtein distance: " + result.getValue("Levenshtein distance"));
                                System.out.println("Type: " + result.getInfo("Type"));
                                countTestInstances = 0;
                                benchTest = false;

    } catch (Exception e) {

Thanks, Mali

joergwicker commented 5 years ago

The last commit should actually fix that, try to pull from master and use that version.

Mali-DS commented 5 years ago

I am using meka-1.9.2 which I think it is last version.

fracpete commented 5 years ago

Just download a snapshot (aka daily build): https://adams.cms.waikato.ac.nz/snapshots/meka/

Mali-DS commented 5 years ago

Thanks , this new version solved my problem.