WaiveCar / WaiveScreen

WaiveScreen related stuff.
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After repo clean, we need to remove lingering secrets from screens #277

Closed nthobe closed 4 years ago

nthobe commented 4 years ago

After going through the process outlined in #269, the files removed from the upstream github repo remain on the screen's local clone. We need a command to remove those files.

nthobe commented 4 years ago

These commands will clean the remnants of the old commits on a screen's WaiveScreen repo:

git fetch --prune origin
git for-each-ref --format="delete %(refname)" | egrep -v 'refs/(remotes|tags|heads/release)' | git update-ref --stdin
git reflog expire --expire=now --all
git gc --prune=now
nthobe commented 4 years ago

Added an upgrade script to clean up the new installation after upgrade. There will still be a copy of the previous version (linked to by .WaiveScreen.old). This will be removed when the next upgrade happens. We could also send a command to remove it if deemed necessary.