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update_arduino still being interrupted by sensor_daemon restart when upgrading #282

Closed nthobe closed 4 years ago

nthobe commented 4 years ago

I ran into this again when testing out the release candidate. I'm setting 'nosanity' in upgrade_arduino, but the sleep time after setting it isn't long enough. The amount of time `sanity-check.sh takes to run goes up during the upgrade and I was only sleeping for 6 seconds.

What was happening, was the sanity check was starting shortly before upgrade_arduino was setting 'nosanity'. The sanity-check.sh script would take almost 20 seconds before getting to the sensor_daemon check. This would happen in the middle of the arduino flashing.

My solution was to increase the sleep time to 30 seconds, making sure sanity-check.sh has time to finish.

nthobe commented 4 years ago

After talking with Chris, I have removed the 30 second sleep and modified the 'nosanity' function to kill a running sanity-check.sh script.