WalkerMx / AutoCrispy

Automatically apply AI Upscaling on Dumped Textures
GNU General Public License v3.0
100 stars 9 forks source link

Autostart #15

Open ch1ckenstripper opened 6 months ago

ch1ckenstripper commented 6 months ago

Need a setting to autostart conversion process when launched, or a command line arg?

God tier app btw :)

WalkerMx commented 6 months ago

That shouldn't be too difficult, I'll see what I can do about adding this to the next release.

ch1ckenstripper commented 6 months ago

Thank you! I ended up copying the watchdog button code to somewhere in the beginning to run once when it starts. Janky but it works. I'll look forward to an official solution. Call it crazy but as a untrained coder your project was the first open source thing I've tried to mess with that actually compiled. Not only that... it worked. I was so happy. I also have another issue I found while doing that, which I'll open separately.

WalkerMx commented 6 months ago

Well, the trick to going from an untrained coder to a nearly competent one is, surprisingly, coding 😉

Also, if you want, I can give you a quick tip on how to add the auto-start function - I'm not sure how soon I'll be doing a release, I've still got some other features that need debugging.

If you want to add a command-line switch to the program, just add this code right after line 82 in Form1.vb:

If Environment.GetCommandLineArgs.Count > 1 Then WatchDogButton_Click(sender, e) End If

Line 82 is this:


What this code does is make the application automatically start if you've passed any arguments to the program, for example:

AutoCrispy.exe -a

This is also a temporary solution, but hopefully less 'janky.'

Let me know if you have any questions!

ch1ckenstripper commented 6 months ago

Awesome! That's a nice and simple fix. Thanks for taking the time. And definitely much less jank! I already have a batch script set up so the change is easy. Anywho, I bookmarked your page so.... be seeing you! be-seeing-you-john-wick-john-wick