WalkerMx / AutoCrispy

Automatically apply AI Upscaling on Dumped Textures
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Can't select chains in Chaining tab when there's more than 6 chains #6

Closed fefo-dev closed 10 months ago

fefo-dev commented 3 years ago


Something breaks on the UI when there's enough chains to break them in 2 "pages". I can select the box and use arrows to get to/delete a chain, but clicking anywhere on that box does what you see in the video.

Maybe the vertical scroll is too much? Can't see a reason to add so many chains, but with all lined horizontally I think it's easier to understand the sequence in those cases. The horizontal scrollbar also fits nicely as is.

Saw the other features btw, good stuff.


WalkerMx commented 3 years ago

This is a "Known Bug" - I'm working around it right now. Basically, the List View can re-arrange, but it doesn't reorder the index of the items. Right now, I'm grabbing the position, and manually calculating the index. Once I find a better way to get the order, I can fix the multiple rows in the chain.

Btw - I crunched out a few other bugs, gonna post in a minute.

WalkerMx commented 3 years ago

Part of this bug has been corrected as of

Re-arranging is still mostly broken once you exceed 5 items in the chain, however you can now delete the items from the chain if you accidentally have too many. At the very least, the chain UI remains functional now.

fefo-dev commented 3 years ago

Selection works fine. Rearranging is just iffy since dragging scalers between rows doesn't work very well - it kinda snaps on the first row and you can drop it where you want, but rows below you can't.

Wintzie commented 3 years ago

A part of this issue is still present for me in v. If more than one chain is added, it's not possible to delete any of the chains anymore. Rearranging looks a bit buggy but it still works.

I've tested this on my Windows with lots of other stuff installed (Build 1904) and on a blank VM with HyperV (Build 1903). Both of them create this bug. Surprisingly, there is no bug when I copied the files into the Windows Sandbox (also 1904).

Bug in Hyper-V: https://files.catbox.moe/snkvoz.mp4

Works in Windows Sandbox: https://files.catbox.moe/bd2ibb.mp4

The only workaround is to delete the settings from appdata/local.

WalkerMx commented 3 years ago

@Wintzie - Correct, this bug is still partially present in

The control I'm using to present the 'chain' in the UI was never really intended for this sort of functionality. Even in the Windows Sandbox, functionality is not totally correct - the chain items might re-arrange, but the internal indexing isn't right (the chain doesn't always run in the correct order).

At this time, it's not really recommended to have a chain > 5 items, but if you need very long chains, they can be built manually in the settings.xml.

Actually, I have more fixes for this bug, but they're all patchy and none of them resolve the issue in all circumstances. Once I've completed the next major update, I plant to write a custom control to eliminate this bug.

WalkerMx commented 10 months ago

It's been so long, I finally had some time to spin up a custom control for the chain interface. This bug should now be mostly fixed, with the only remaining problem being some weirdness when Windows scales the UI DPI.