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Mage Quest Bugged - Investigate the Alchemist Shop #209

Open saracyy opened 1 year ago

saracyy commented 1 year ago

After using the Cantation, the Rift Spawn are neutral and not hostile. They will only attack after you attack them first.

After killing the Rift Spawn they just die. They are not stunned so they cannot be contained and the quest can't progress.

TheRealTilon commented 1 year ago

I agree, mobs should be hostile. You also need to kill them and "put" them in the boxes. But in order to get the boxes "filled", you both need to:

  1. Be close to the corpse when using the box.
  2. Be in the Cantation area when using the box.

So basically, you can kite them to be in a safer position, BUT the corpse need to be near the location you were at when using the Cantation, otherwise you won't be able to use the box.

saracyy commented 1 year ago

Confirmed I am able to use the box when in the area