Wall-core / Everlook-Bugtracker

Bug tracker for Everlook
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Priest class quest outside Razor Hill #258

Open bbear0101 opened 2 years ago

bbear0101 commented 2 years ago

The guard is supposed to reset to half health so you can lesser heal to complete the quest. It's not always consistent for everyone doing the quest and will be a problem when there are a lot more people trying to get it done. Thank you for your time.

Wall-core commented 2 years ago

I'll need to find out how it works on classic. Can you provide any video footage?

bbear0101 commented 2 years ago

https://youtu.be/bllxPOSb5tc?t=68 This is not the one in Razor HIll but it is the same quest just in Brill and it shows how it's supposed to work. When I did this quest the guard had full health and did not reset until I tried to heal him OR it could be the timer for the mob was still ticking and It wasn't my turn yet. The more I think about this, it may just be my own ignorance.