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Bug tracker for Everlook
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Hunter bug list #607

Open Hecleas opened 1 year ago

Hecleas commented 1 year ago

There are several problems and bugs for the FD and the trap. Before specifying my details, I want to let you know that I have been playing hunt since 2009 and I have been beta tested for daemon and viper for those who know (the admins of Nostalrius Beta and Begins.), I am more commonly known under the pseudonym of Kaszia.


1)Sometimes when the pet takes physical damage, it keeps us in combat or brings us back into combat, while the entry and exit of combat for the hunter and his pet are interdependent. (It causes big problems when we try FD+trap) It's part of a general problem too, when we're out of combat, when we eat to regen, but our pet or the group makes us go into combat, we don't regen anymore, although we continue to eat, normally it doesn't happen. don't go like this

2)When we execute FD and we rotate the camera to the left or to the right (right click) it lifts us up immediately, except it's not supposed to lift us up, suddenly it produces an entry into direct combat.

3)The trap is not supposed to have a slight activation delay, it must be instantaneous, even if a war is charging us. Because to put you in situation; a trap set in front of us, if a war charges us and at the time to put an automatic attack + a knee breaker (especially if it is end game stuff), it's over. Except this is not supposed to be the case and the trap should activate instantly.

4)FD can be resisted in PVE, but on the other hand the FD is not supposed to be resisted in PVP. The talent point that reduces resist FD is useful for PVE.

5)to be checked, but it seems to me that our character is totally out of combat when the FD animation ends, which is not advantageous for those who have a long death animation. Normally we go out of combat as soon as the spell is activated.

6)The multi shot acts as a chain of lightning which is linked with 2 other targets close to our own target. The multi shot can only hit a target from 8 meters. Except because of the link, it is possible to hit a target connected to our target between 1m and 8m which is normally impossible. This can be a problem with checks made close to us.

7)The regen of the pet is much too high, unfortunately I do not have the exact values ​​of the regen of the fart

8)The FD resists too much in PVE

9)The trap resists too much in pvp, it resists at 50-60%

10)The pet has pathfinding problems and to debug it we have to make it "follow" and then we can make it attack again

11)When we use FD in pvp, all the enemies that target us, untarget us. But our own target is not supposed to be untarget, since it's not our enemy that executes the FD

Of course my expertise is based on wow vanilla of the time, on various sources, memories and old videos, which unfortunately the more time passes, the more they are likely to be deleted from you tube.

Simp-N commented 1 year ago

1) Combat for the hunter and the pet should be linked. I think this is one of those things that has been wrong a long time on pservers, and then Classic came and showed what it should be like. But in any case, here's an example from vanilla: Joana's 1-60 run. Go to 3:36. Notice that he enters combat when his pet engages, even though he's still sitting down drinking.

3) Yes. It's difficult to find any good video examples of this but I found these two: example 1 Example 2 Go to 4:14. Notice how he gets trapped, and then you see the orc hunter kneeling.

6) Indeed. I've seen something like this happening, where you can basically multi-shot targets too close, or even behind you, but I couldn't really figure out how to repeat it.

7) Yes, the pet regen has been awfully high. I think when Classic came they changed the regen to match that of Classic, but they forgot that in Classic, and vanilla, pet regen ticks every five seconds, and on pservers it has been every two seconds. So it's pretty much 2.5x higher regen rate than it should. I reported this on the vmangos bugtracker earlier: https://github.com/vmangos/core/issues/1597. I hope this will get fixed soon becuase hunter pets never have to stop while farming.

11) I would've thought the de-targeting would be a client issue, but if I may make another Joana reference (go to 24:30), it seems the current target should linger.

Hecleas commented 1 year ago
  1. Le combat pour le chasseur et le familier doit être lié. Je pense que c'est l'une de ces choses qui n'allaient pas depuis longtemps sur les serveurs, puis Classic est arrivé et a montré à quoi cela devrait ressembler. Mais dans tous les cas, voici un exemple de vanille : la course 1-60 de Joana . Allez à 3:36. Remarquez qu'il entre en combat lorsque son familier s'engage, même s'il est toujours assis en train de boire.
  2. Oui. Il est difficile de trouver de bons exemples vidéo de ceci mais j'ai trouvé ces deux exemples : exemple 1 Exemple 2 Aller à 4:14. Remarquez comment il se fait piéger, puis vous voyez le chasseur d'orcs s'agenouiller.
  3. En effet. J'ai vu quelque chose comme ça se produire, où vous pouvez essentiellement tirer plusieurs cibles trop près, ou même derrière vous, mais je ne pouvais pas vraiment comprendre comment le répéter.
  4. Oui, la régénération des animaux de compagnie a été terriblement élevée. Je pense que lorsque Classic est arrivé, ils ont changé la régénération pour qu'elle corresponde à celle de Classic, mais ils ont oublié que dans Classic et vanilla, la régénération des animaux de compagnie se déclenche toutes les cinq secondes, et sur les pservers, c'était toutes les deux secondes. C'est donc à peu près 2,5 fois plus élevé qu'il ne le devrait. J'ai signalé ceci sur le bugtracker vmangos plus tôt:🐛Pet HP regen tick rate [not vanilla-like]  vmangos/core#1597 . J'espère que cela sera bientôt corrigé car les animaux de compagnie des chasseurs ne doivent jamais s'arrêter pendant l'agriculture.
  5. J'aurais pensé que le dé-ciblage serait un problème de client, mais si je peux faire une autre référence à Joana (aller à 24h30), il semble que l'objectif actuel devrait s'attarder.

So wow classic is not a reference because they themselves indicate that they have no backup of the scripts of the time, so they are pretty close and we have seen it. If wow classic was known for having good scripts, many of us wouldn't be here on a private server.

1) On the video it is not clear that this makes the hunter enter combat, but in any case if the pet takes damage or and in combat with a mob it is not supposed to prevent you from leaving combat.

2) Yes the video would have been interesting under a hunter view but we can clearly see how the activation of the trap is instantaneous and the range of the range which is quite large

Joana's videos are to be taken lightly on certain details, because he does not have everything to display, we cannot know when he really enters or leaves a fight.

Important message to the devs, especially for the hunters, wow classic is absolutely not to be taken as a reference, because it is very badly scripted on this one and it is not a legend.

Simp-N commented 1 year ago
1. On the video it is not clear that this makes the hunter enter combat, but in any case if the pet takes damage or and in combat with a mob it is not supposed to prevent you from leaving combat.

Looking on the video. Notice the level bubble on the unit frame at the top left. When the pet engages, it turns into crossed swords, indicating that he is in combat.

ghost commented 1 year ago

He said "when the pet takes physical damage".

Multi-Shot min and max range applies only to primary target, so it can link to secondary targets in your melee range, but it cannot link behind you (same as Chain Lightning).

Turning your character always cancelled Feign Death AFAIK.

Wall-core commented 1 year ago

most of these issues are incorrect, as the mechanics are working properly now. The only one I'm investigating is pet regen, the others are either vanilla or related to 1.12 client.

Francesq commented 1 year ago

An usual bug is hp5/mp5 acting like hp2/mp2 on this type of core. If it could help...