Wall-core / Everlook-Bugtracker

Bug tracker for Everlook
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Hunter pulls threat when no damage is done. #720

Open Vliqta opened 1 year ago

Vliqta commented 1 year ago

Tamed a low level pet which I leveld up on the hinterland turtles. Naturally it misses almost every attack it does, however what I noticed is that these neutral mobs aggro me even when my pet started the combat. So I would send my pet on the neutral turtle, it would miss, dodge,... and even before I do any sort of damage or skill I somehow pull aggro and not my pet. I don't appear on threat meter either. I don't think this is normal but maybe there is a natural explanation?

Vliqta commented 1 year ago

https://imgpile.com/i/bfsnZo You can see i do no damage from combat log and my pet first attack dodge yet i get aggro, at the end he hits the turtle and after that it went to him. But initially after my pet opens and misses the target turns to me.