WallStreetAnalytics / wallstreetanalytics

An endeavor to create an analytics tool to democratize the information hedge funds are creating teams to collect.
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Gameification Concerns #33

Open pdeneka opened 3 years ago

pdeneka commented 3 years ago

Many UIs and UXs have built in gameification.

Some software handles this admirably, like Discord's positive messages while loading. Some software handle this less so, like games that get difficult until you spend money, then, magically, get easier.

We want to review our processes, UI, and UX for gameification concerns. In addition, we can leverage Discord's approach to encourage users to slow down and evaluate their choices.

Or maybe we could have an introspection process to teach people to self-review: Please take a moment and ask yourself how and why you heard about this stock. Are you interested in this stock because you are experiencing FOMO? Are you interested in this stock because it's dropping in price? etc

There are a variety of ways to teach users to identify how different systems, even candlesticks, intentionally and unintentionally manipulate naive and savvy users.

Also, if there are ever any "user expirements," like what some social media platforms have done, they should be OPT IN with clear scopes, durations, and expected usage and release of data. Users should be able to OPT OUT after at any time, no questions asked.