Open awaiskhan1304 opened 1 year ago
Yes, it seems that WC devs are not bothered with implementing signTypedData properly, so they simply return a dummy signature instead. Maybe this helps
I have tried this and able to create the signature but there is something wrong with the signature. When I verify the signature on web using web3.eth.accounts.recover(message,sig) method it verifies the message and gives me correct result while when I use the method which wallet connect test dapp uses it fails to verify the signature.
function recoverAddress(sig, hash) { const params = ethUtil.fromRpcSig(sig); const result = ethUtil.ecrecover( ethUtil.toBuffer(hash), params.v, params.r, params.s ); const signer = ethUtil.bufferToHex(ethUtil.publicToAddress(result)); return signer; }
Not getting why this is happening
The signature sent back over wallet connect to the dapp needs to start with 0x.
yes sending it back with 0x.
In the wallet connect request I am receiving eth_signTypedData_v4 with the json string needed to be signed. I want to sign this message. In the example project under Signer->EthSigner.swift their is one method signTypedData but it is returning dummy sigature.