WalletConnect / Web3ModalFlutter

The Web3Modal for WalletConnect built using Flutter.
Apache License 2.0
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Connect only one type of Wallet #57

Closed MrCube72 closed 6 months ago

MrCube72 commented 6 months ago

I'm trying to enable connect only MetaMask Wallet in my dApp, but the new version of WalletModal doesn't support this option. It seems "includedWalletIds" include not only the selected Wallets (in my case:

final Set<String> includedWalletIds = {
  'c57ca95b47569778a828d19178114f4db188b89b763c899ba0be274e97267d96', // MetaMask

"excludedWalletIds" seems work, but V3 doesn't have the option exclude ALL other Wallets (like in V2:

recommendedWalletIds: {
      'c57ca95b47569778a828d19178114f4db188b89b763c899ba0be274e97267d96', // MetaMask
excludedWalletState: ExcludedWalletState.all,

Do you plan any similar options? Thanks...

quetool commented 6 months ago

Hello @MrCube72 , a fix is coming for your first issue, see here -> https://github.com/WalletConnect/Web3ModalFlutter/issues/56

but V3 doesn't have the option exclude ALL other Wallets (like in V2:

There is no exclude all options, on V3 either you pass a set of included wallets (that would be the only wallets to show) or you pass a set of excluded wallets to hide them).

I'll close this issue as duplicate, keep an eye on https://github.com/WalletConnect/Web3ModalFlutter/issues/56 but the fix is most likely to be shipped today

quetool commented 6 months ago

Hello @MrCube72 ! Issue has been fixed in latest beta

  web3modal_flutter: ^3.0.0-beta18